Lincoln Discussion Symposium

Full Version: Presidents and First Ladies Trivia
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As long as he served as president, it should have been Franklin D. Roosevelt.
My lately purchased smart children's book on the presidents mentiones that W. H. Taft started the tradition of presidents throwing out the first pitch on opening day. It doesn't say how often he attended, but maybe it was him then?
More good, logical guesses! But both incorrect. Taft is in second place with 14 games, and Roosevelt is tied for 5th with Woodrow Wilson (11 games).
Bill Clinton?
Truman ? (process of elimination)
Correct, Gene. Harry Truman attended 16 baseball games. This is more than any other president. SOURCE: USA TODAY, March 31, 2014.

Gene, you win 4 free tickets to the next Chicago Cubs' World Series game at Wrigley Field.
What is the name of this former President of the United States?

[Image: presidentusa.jpg]
Andrew Johnson?
Good try, Roger, but it's not Johnson.

Yesterday I gave away free camping trips. Today the winner receives a free visit to ANY single point of interest of his/her choice in Phillips, Wisconsin.
William Henry Harrison
Rutherford Hayes
I figured a trip to Phillips would get a flurry of responses. Gene is correct. During the years I taught I used 3 different textbooks, and the same photo of Hayes was in all three. I never really thought of him as a younger man. The Biography website has the photo that was in those textbooks:

[Image: MTE5NDg0MDU0OTkxNDM5Mzc1.jpg]

Gene, you can go to any attraction in Phillips. Once your application is received the tickets will be sent within 10 days.
I've always wanted to visit the Wisconsin Concrete Park!
Gene, don't miss to throw a glance at this amazing piece of art:
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