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An outstanding guess, Roger, but not he (sounds like a Greek name?)!
James H. Matheny?
Kudos, Roger, you are amazing - you got him faster than I expected anyone to get...
Here's a nice site on the case:
Roger, you win an eco friendly lane mower (skip a bit forward to min.2.50 to get the idea) - not patented:
(07-03-2016 09:55 AM)Eva Elisabeth Wrote: [ -> ]Kudos, Roger, you are amazing - you got him faster than I expected anyone to get...
Here's a nice site on the case:
Roger, you win an eco friendly lane mower (skip a bit forward to min.2.50 to get the idea) - not patented:

Eva - After watching that goat, I think we now understand how those "alien" circles appear in farmers' cornfields nowadays...
Abraham Lincoln and the boys (except Robert) would have loved that goat and having fun with, wouldn't they?
Eva, you are too kind, and I am afraid I must return this wonderful prize. I meant the best man at the Lincolns' wedding, not John H. Manny. I just thought the man in the question looked a little like Matheny (in that photo of card players). This was a terrific question, Eva. I would have never thought of Manny.
Ops - mea culpa, small screen and no glasses...I misread. I would happily give you the prize nevertheless if you like ..
Thanks, Eva.
Jane Swisshelm once linked this to Abraham Lincoln - can you name it (precisely)?
(07-08-2016 05:15 PM)Eva Elisabeth Wrote: [ -> ]Jane Swisshelm once linked this to Abraham Lincoln - can you name it (precisely)?

Monte Cervino?

Here is the link to another Lincoln-Matterhorn reference in a magazine article from March 1913.
Kudos, Bill - you are amazing. Thanks also for the link.

"Jane Swisshelm wrote that before her February 1863 visit, she had 'a feeling of scorn' for Lincoln before she met him, she was 'startled to find a chill of awe pass over me as my eyes rested upon him. It was as if I had suddenly passed a turn in a road and come into full view of the Matterhorn.' She wrote: 'I have always been sensitive to the atmosphere of those I met, but have never found that of any one impress me as did that of Mr. Lincoln, and I know no word save 'grandeur' which expresses the quality of that atmosphere. I think that to me no familiarity, no circumstance, could have made him other than grand. The jests, the sallies, with which he amused small people and covered his own greatness, were the shrubs on the mountain side, the flowers which shot up in the crevices of the rocks! They were no part of the mountain. Grandly and alone he walked his way through this life ; and the world had no honors, no emoluments, no reproaches, no shames, no punishments which he could not have borne without swerving or bias.”

[O. Oldroyd: "The Lincoln Memorial: Album-immortelles", p. 413-414]

...and I know he would have enjoyed this story:

Bill, you win an Alphorn concert at the Matterhorn:
Thank you for my prize. It is a good thing that I have been practicing my yodeling!
Slim Whitman would be proud.
Nice Haircut too
Name the two speakers in the following dialogue on the question whether Lincoln was a Christian:

A: The less said about that the better.
B: I will fix that.
A. I will guess the logical - William Herndon.

B. I have no clue.
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