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This is the article I used to find the answer and also the tidbit about Dr. Wolf in D.C.
(03-06-2016 01:22 PM)RJNorton Wrote: [ -> ]There is more information here. Included is a photo of the instrument Dr. Wampler used to remove Lincoln's tooth in 1856.

[Image: toothremoval.jpg]
VERY interesting - thank you, Roger!
What family's worth is described here? 1870 Washington Census: husband owned $50,000 in real estate and $50,000 in personal estate. The wife held, in her own name, $30,000 in real estate. They were able to employ an English servant named Alfred Taylor.
Kate Chase-Sprague and husband?
That would have been my first guess also, Eva. But, it is not Kate and hubby.
The answer is Grover Cleveland.
Don't think so, Joseph.

Hint: This couple had been close to the Lincolns at the time of the assassination.
Henry & Clara?
You can't get much closer than that
Absolutely correct! A+, Gene. We have cherry trees and daffodils starting to bloom down here, so I'm sending you a mental image of them.
This from todays news.
What building is pictured in the attached article, and what is the connection to the subject of the article?
It's the Old Capitol building in Springfield, Il.

The connection to the article: " On April 29, renowned musicians will celebrate the First Amendment in song with a performance in Representative Hall at the Old State Capitol State Historic Site. Called Freedom Sings, the program is designed by the First Amendment Center in Nashville and is held around the country to raise awareness of the connection between music and the First Amendment."
Vey good Anita.
The article never made the connection to the Old Capitol in Springfield, so thanks for connecting the dots.
Thanks Gene. It was a bit of a challenge because the event at the Old Capitol depicted in the article
is of an Obama -Biden supporters rally.
Who is (was) this gentleman?
Zimri Enos?
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