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The Great Climate Migration Has Begun
07-28-2020, 11:00 PM
Post: #16
RE: The Great Climate Migration Has Begun
Embryos of different organisms look very similar, which shows that the organisms share a common Designer.

If cross-species evolution is a fact, where are all the fossils of in-between-stage species? They ought to be all over the place. Where are all the living species currently in between stages?
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07-29-2020, 08:31 PM
Post: #17
RE: The Great Climate Migration Has Begun
It doesn't matter what I believe. Truth is what me, anyway. When statements are made, or threads are started that presume something is true when it is not an established fact, I want it verified, if possible. Where is the proof that climate change is caused primarily by human beings, or that it isn't cyclical throughout history? Was man also responsible for past ice ages or severe climate changes? Some of them apparently occurred before man existed, so obviously man was not a factor in those. So what caused them? Why was the term, "global warming" changed to the more catch-all "climate change?"

You brought up Darwin. I provided some links that call into question the validity of his origin of species theory and cross-species evolution. Did those links seem factual and logical to you, or did you even read them?

Would you mind explaining what "religious beyond common sense" means? You don't have to, if you don't want to, but I think that is a very curious statement.
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07-30-2020, 08:24 AM
Post: #18
RE: The Great Climate Migration Has Begun
I tend to agree with much of what Kate's has written here, and good luck this semester Eva.
Life and the universe is a big subject

So when is this "Old Enough To Know Better" supposed to kick in?
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07-30-2020, 09:47 AM
Post: #19
RE: The Great Climate Migration Has Begun
Thanks, Gene.

Eva, yes I did read your first link, and I attempted to read your second link, but got lost in it. My links were a response to your first link.

What happened here is similar to what is happening at the highest levels of leadership in this country, and around the world. One side presents as fact, something the other side questions the validity of, and when an effort at reasoned debate is made by the questioning side, the other side spurns those efforts because they see no reason for debate, and have better things to do.
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07-30-2020, 10:43 AM (This post was last modified: 07-30-2020 11:00 AM by Gene C.)
Post: #20
RE: The Great Climate Migration Has Begun
We've been worrying about global warming for over 50 years, the experts claimed we would all be in serious trouble and the planet doomed beyond help by now.

Which reminds me of a song form 1969. (that's 51 years ago)
These hot summer days are supposed to be fun

do you think the blond is wearing a wig?

So when is this "Old Enough To Know Better" supposed to kick in?
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07-30-2020, 12:03 PM
Post: #21
RE: The Great Climate Migration Has Begun
For those interested in the facts of climate change that the population of the Earth now faces, please watch the last 30 minutes of a PBS NOVA program that aired locally (San Francisco) yesterday titled "Polar Extremes." Please begin at around the 1:25:38 mark. Pay special attention to the pictured graph at the 1:27:00 mark and note that the far right end of the graph is NOW.

"So very difficult a matter is it to trace and find out the truth of anything by history." -- Plutarch
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07-30-2020, 04:13 PM (This post was last modified: 07-30-2020 05:00 PM by Eva Elisabeth.)
Post: #22
RE: The Great Climate Migration Has Begun
(07-30-2020 09:47 AM)My Name Is Kate Wrote:  Thanks, Gene.

Eva, yes I did read your first link, and I attempted to read your second link, but got lost in it. My links were a response to your first link.

What happened here is similar to what is happening at the highest levels of leadership in this country, and around the world. One side presents as fact, something the other side questions the validity of, and when an effort at reasoned debate is made by the questioning side, the other side spurns those efforts because they see no reason for debate, and have better things to do.
I posted my opinion and what I believe. I'm sorry it bothered you and wasn't welcome. Yes, I do have more important things to do and regret I wasted so much time.
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07-31-2020, 08:45 AM
Post: #23
RE: The Great Climate Migration Has Begun

Headline reads: "A Quarter of Bangladesh Is Flooded. Millions Have Lost Everything."

The country’s latest calamity illustrates a striking inequity of our time: The people least responsible for climate change are among those most hurt by its consequences.

New York Times July 30, 2020

Torrential rains have submerged at least a quarter of Bangladesh, washing away the few things that count as assets for some of the world’s poorest people — their goats and chickens, houses of mud and tin, sacks of rice stored for the lean season.

It is the latest calamity to strike the delta nation of 165 million people. Only two months ago, a cyclone pummeled the country’s southwest. Along the coast, a rising sea has swallowed entire villages. And while it’s too soon to ascertain what role climate change has played in these latest floods, Bangladesh is already witnessing a pattern of more severe and more frequent river flooding than in the past along the mighty Brahmaputra River, scientists say, and that is projected to worsen in the years ahead as climate change intensifies the rains.

This is one of the most striking inequities of the modern era. Those who are least responsible for polluting Earth’s atmosphere are among those most hurt by its consequences. The average American is responsible for 33 times more planet-warming carbon dioxide than the average Bangladeshi.

"So very difficult a matter is it to trace and find out the truth of anything by history." -- Plutarch
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07-31-2020, 10:10 AM
Post: #24
RE: The Great Climate Migration Has Begun
According to the attached article, from Energy for July 28,2020, much of India's pollution is their own fault. If the only source you have for your statement in bold print is the New York Times, I would like to request you use an additional source that is more credible.


and this article from Wikipedia, that points out the sources of India's air pollution (it ain't us) -

What started as a discussion regarding what would Lincoln do, has changed.
I hope we can get back to discussions regarding Abraham Lincoln.

So when is this "Old Enough To Know Better" supposed to kick in?
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07-31-2020, 11:13 AM
Post: #25
RE: The Great Climate Migration Has Begun
(07-31-2020 10:10 AM)Gene C Wrote:  According to the attached article, from Energy for July 28,2020, much of India's pollution is their own fault. If the only source you have for your statement in bold print is the New York Times, I would like to request you use an additional source that is more credible.

What started as a discussion regarding what would Lincoln do, has changed.
I hope we can get back to discussions regarding Abraham Lincoln.

I believe the following is a publication of the Global Carbon Project:

Analysis: Global CO2 emissions set to rise 2% in 2017 after three-year ‘plateau

I would suggest special consideration be given of a world graph titled: "Annual CO2 Emissions from Fossil Fuels by Country, 1959 - 2017."

If a problem is not recognized as a problem, how is it going to be addressed as world-wide problem?

I believe that visionaries, such as Abraham Lincoln, are badly needed to address this climate change problem that is only getting much worse.

"So very difficult a matter is it to trace and find out the truth of anything by history." -- Plutarch
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07-31-2020, 12:11 PM (This post was last modified: 07-31-2020 12:11 PM by Gene C.)
Post: #26
RE: The Great Climate Migration Has Begun
Thank you David.
It looks like we will have to agree to disagree.
It looks like I also need to make a greater effort to be more polite to those of different opinions.

And I'm sure you all will agree that's sometimes hard to do.
Not that I have a lot of experience with this, but I've heard it's hard to type when you are trying to hold your tongue and you keep putting your foot in your mouth. - Tongue


So when is this "Old Enough To Know Better" supposed to kick in?
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07-31-2020, 12:29 PM
Post: #27
RE: The Great Climate Migration Has Begun
Lincoln opened his “House Divided” speech in 1858 with the following words: “If we could first know where we are, and whither we are tending, we could better judge what to do, and how to do it."

My post #1 on this thread had a single what-if question:

I wonder what President Abraham Lincoln of the United States would say to the world regarding climate change in his inaugural address on Wednesday, January 20, 2021?

This question assumes that President Abraham Lincoln would know the current facts regarding climate change as well as he did the facts on the issue of slavery in this nation in 1858.

"So very difficult a matter is it to trace and find out the truth of anything by history." -- Plutarch
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07-31-2020, 01:28 PM
Post: #28
RE: The Great Climate Migration Has Begun
I stick with my original point that wondering what Lincoln would do on any 21st century topic is a waste of time and energy. Nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, has been accomplished with this thread.


Abraham Lincoln is the only man, dead or alive, with whom I could have spent five years without one hour of boredom.
--Ida M. Tarbell

I want the respect of intelligent men, but I will choose for myself the intelligent.
--Carl Sandburg
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08-01-2020, 10:51 AM
Post: #29
RE: The Great Climate Migration Has Begun
What would President Abraham Lincoln of the United States say to the world regarding climate change in his inaugural address on Wednesday, January 20, 2021?

To properly address this question, we must first ask how Lincoln would proceed if he were faced with this issue. Lincoln himself has provided the answer to this latter question. Lincoln opened his “House Divided” speech in 1858 with the following words: “If we could first know where we are, and whither we are tending, we could better judge what to do, and how to do it." (See post #27.)

I also noted in this same post: "This question assumes that President Abraham Lincoln would know the current facts regarding climate change as well as he did the facts on the issue of slavery in this nation in 1858."

The following is my post #21 regarding climate change facts:

For those interested in the facts of climate change that the population of the Earth now faces, please watch the last 30 minutes of a PBS NOVA program that aired locally (San Francisco) yesterday titled "Polar Extremes." Please begin at around the 1:25:38 mark. Pay special attention to the pictured graph at the 1:27:00 mark and note that the far right end of the graph is NOW.

Note: The 1:27:00 mark of the video graphically illustrates the answer to Lincoln's question of "where we are now," in relation to the last 800,000 years of Earth history regarding the content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. See post #21 to access "Polar Extremes" PBS NOVA program.

As to Lincoln's question of "whither we are tending," I provided the answer in detailed graph form (thanks to the post of Gene requesting a more credible source of factual information than the New York Times). See post #25 to access hyperlink.

As a species, We the People are tending "up" as regarding carbon dioxide thrust into the atmosphere. And, that's a problem.

We the People of the Earth may have already passed the “Tipping Point on Climate Change,” or as I like to call it, “the Point of No Return.”

A vaccine is going to solve the world’s problem of the corona virus pandemic within a year from now.

The problem of Climate Change is “a different kettle of fish.” The problem of Climate Change can or cannot be solved.

The following is from my post #7:

“Researchers at M.I.T. and Princeton now consider a Category Six hurricane a realistic possibility.” Quote from article published in The New York Times Magazine titled “What’s Going on Inside the Fearsome Thunderstorms of Cordoba Province?” (July 22, 2020).

This weekend a Category One hurricane is supposed to hit the east coast of Florida and then travel up the East Coast of the United States.

The strength of a hurricane is a function of ocean warmth. M.I.T. and Princeton researchers now consider "a Category Six hurricane a realistic possibility.”

I wonder how much more damage a Category Six hurricane would do over a Category One hurricane. As a result of this weekend's weather, We the People of the World will have our baseline of fact.

"So very difficult a matter is it to trace and find out the truth of anything by history." -- Plutarch
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08-01-2020, 12:40 PM (This post was last modified: 08-01-2020 01:04 PM by Gene C.)
Post: #30
RE: The Great Climate Migration Has Begun
Around here, the highly trained weather people with fancy college degrees have problems trying to accurately predict the weather forecast 2 to 3 days in advance.

So when is this "Old Enough To Know Better" supposed to kick in?
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