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Houston connection
07-13-2020, 11:37 AM
Post: #1
Houston connection
Hello everyone
I find myself coming to your group from a different direction, now in my fourth year of research so please bare with me.
Has anyone experienced any connection to the assassination from the Famous Sam Houston and familly.
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07-13-2020, 12:04 PM (This post was last modified: 07-13-2020 12:06 PM by Gene C.)
Post: #2
RE: Houston connection
It has been mentioned somewhere on this forum that at one time Sam Houston was a drinking buddy of JWB's father.

Try here -

So when is this "Old Enough To Know Better" supposed to kick in?
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07-13-2020, 02:10 PM
Post: #3
RE: Houston connection
Mr. Chips and Gene:

Sam Houston was a staunch Unionist. It is therefore just about inconceivable that he had anything to do with the assassination. If he drank with Booth's father, it is a meaningless connection. Furthermore, the roots of Booth's deed, and the deeds of his co-conspirators, on the night of April 14, 1865, are in Richmond and Montreal, not Texas.

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07-13-2020, 02:47 PM
Post: #4
RE: Houston connection
I agree that that is how a politician survives as did Sam Houston from a slavery background. Did Sam not also advocate that the various individual states should have the choice to self rule on the matter of slavery. As was Hannibal hamlin who also stayed in politics for many years whilst agreeing with Lincoln about the principal of the abolishion of slavery also advocated quietly to Lincoln that individual states should have that right and to some extent .Lincoln conceded to that pressure proposing that Kentucky should have that right.
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07-13-2020, 03:14 PM (This post was last modified: 07-13-2020 03:25 PM by Gene C.)
Post: #5
RE: Houston connection
Thanks John

According to Wikipedia ....
"Houston's senate record was marked by his unionism and opposition to extremists from both the North and South. He voted for the Compromise of 1850, which settled many of the territorial issues left over from the Mexican–American War and the annexation of Texas. He later voted against the Kansas–Nebraska Act because he believed it would lead to increased sectional tensions over slavery, and his opposition to that act led him to leave the Democratic Party"

"In 1859, Houston won election as the governor of Texas. In this role, he opposed secession and unsuccessfully sought to keep Texas out of the Confederate States of America. He was forced out of office in 1861 and died in 1863."

"A Texas political convention voted to secede from the United States on February 1, 1861, and Houston proclaimed that Texas was once again an independent republic, but he refused to recognize that same convention's authority to join Texas to the Confederacy. After Houston refused to swear an oath of loyalty to the Confederacy, the legislature declared the governorship vacant. Houston did not recognize the validity of his removal, but he did not attempt to use force to remain in office, and he refused aid from the federal government to prevent his removal."

So when is this "Old Enough To Know Better" supposed to kick in?
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07-13-2020, 04:47 PM
Post: #6
RE: Houston connection
Lincoln also offered Sam Houston a position of general in the war which was not taken up. Maybe Sam Houston's goal was seeking the option.
The Cherokees originally fought with the English. Perhaps he was fighting the cause to mediate everyone with the appreciation that the Confederacy really did not have a future. Pretty much the attitude of Henry Clay too.
Hannibal Hamlin stood down For 6 months too losing the argument of compromise until Lincoln's death; then the less effective Andrew Johnson took over followed by the compromising Ulysses S. Grant.
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07-14-2020, 08:20 AM (This post was last modified: 07-14-2020 08:49 AM by Mrchips.)
Post: #7
RE: Houston connection
I did not know that Sam houston was a drinking buddy of Booth's father, I did know however that the Vice President of Lincoln , Hannibal Hamlin was an acting enthusiast and life long friends of famous actors including Junius booth. He would have been familiar with all the theatre layouts. Being a lifelong politician too Hamlin would have been put aside for the presidency by the Newbie Lincoln. Hamlin wanted to be an actor as was his relation Elijah. Whilst Hamlin took a lessor roll in after Lincoln’s nomination he was reinstated by Andrew Johnson after Lincoln’s assassination.
Hamlin son and wife were in attendance in the theatre on the night of the assassination.
Hamlin having been put aside in favor of Lincoln
Hamlin's preference for nomination was the elderly Sam Houston.
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07-14-2020, 12:17 PM
Post: #8
RE: Houston connection
Did you know that Abraham Lincoln was surrounded by Houstons?
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07-15-2020, 10:59 AM
Post: #9
RE: Houston connection
Did you know that the Vice President Hannibal Hamlin's family had a 200 year history with the Houstons? A mere part of that history of the Houstons was that of ship building and slavery around the world.

They built ships in Glasgow and Liverpool England, and the generations grew by landing on the Chesapeake Bay and continued to build boats and shipping. The Chesapeake Bay linked the Potomac River and everywhere else to rivers all the way to Washington and branched off to Pittsburgh and easy access to Richmond. Roads were not good in those days. Rivers across the mountains linked all the way to the Ohio river as did slavery. The link across the mountains was policed by major Samuel Davidson Houston who died in an Irishman friend's tavern in 1753. The Ohio River bound by the free state north and the slave state south that of Kentucky where Abraham Lincoln was born. Incidentally Harriet Beecher Stowe crossed to and fro across the river too.

The Houstons were and brought across indentured servants and later black slaves from England and across the world and later the Huguenot invasion of Maryland made possible by Queen Mary.
Slavery included work on crops in the West Indies and the southern states and tobacco became the main currency, that produce was sold worldwide as was sugar.

I wonder Lincoln’s abolition of slavery and the introduction of paper currency if that wouldn't have a major influence on that trade including the railroads also built by slaves.

The Hamlins, Hannibal Hamlin had extended family too. Sugar had to be processed and sold to the world who where eager to buy ass was tobacco. The humble Hannibal Hamlin also had relations. One of these relations became the richest man in America. Used family to spread across America as the the land became available. That family as was the Houston spread far and wide. Obtaining land from the granted indentured servitude those families married on and the network grew and the fortunes made opened bank run by Houstons and relations. Examples are Houstons in Ohio, Illinois, and a Richmond family named Gray all related by intermarriage.

Those families from humble backgrounds suddenly opened banks.

Back to the Vice President he was purported to be from a humble farming family in Paris Hill who happened to be very interested in the theater and new and were close friends to the Booths over two generations.

The humble Vice President's extended family was that of the richest man in America married families to the Houstons before and after the assassination. That richest man in America and all subsequent branches of that family derived those riches from land produced crops originally from sugar from the slaves of the West Indies and then from corn crops produced from the lands from upper regions of America.

A close link to Abraham Lincoln was Bishop Raymond Ames whose wife was the aunt of Andrew Jackson Houston's wife. That wife’s mother was linked by family to two high ranking government official Houstons, too. All three were related to Abraham Lincoln's wife.

Maybe somewhere in the above you will see motive, access to Booth the reason for his escape route knowledge from the wives linking Houston, Hamlin, and the fortunes to be lost with Lincoln’s policies.
Sam Houston and Hannibal Hamlin were mere timeous pawns in a much bigger picture. Such is politics.
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07-15-2020, 01:26 PM
Post: #10
RE: Houston connection
Mr. Chips:

Thank you for all this information, most of which was not known by me.

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07-15-2020, 03:52 PM
Post: #11
RE: Houston connection
Appreciated, John. I have much much more; the Lincoln assassination is only a small part of my journey. What I am learning is enough to rewrite history. I entered this arena because of the dedication showed by the members. I have only given a very small amount of information.

The offshoots of what I know will have vast consequences and inferences and thousands more books will be written and movies made.

I know that sounds extreme, but it is not. For example, I have found a whole branch of the Houston familly that no one knows about. It is my intention to open a new museum in a building that still exists built by the Houstons. The whole Lincoln assassination part as great as it will be is only a small part of what I know.

Can you imagine for example the repercussions of the information I have and is yet to find?
The last paragraph is a mere fraction of my knowledge far more than Lincoln who to be quite honest is to me a recent revelation of my findings.

If you try and find proof of what I am saying you will need to research extremely deeply from many angles.

I will keep feeding information through in order to gain interested parties so any colleagues you are aware of that wish to write a few historical revelation, some yet to be uncovered I will be happy to share and build this picture which is too vast for me to handle alone. I type this message to all those lovers of history herein.

I wish to build a team but I can only do that with dedicated and knowledgable people.

The museum will also be a place where geneological descendants can meet through my new information. The building too is also of historical interest being I believe the only Hawaiian building in the US and just imagine I have a whole branch of history as yet uncovered and I am still uncovering because each door opened opens yet another part of history.

Anyone reading this please get in touch the information I have has far reaching implications and a lot of brains and hours needed, starting with this building.

Ok enough rambling by me another teaser for you.

History tells us that the Houston familly originated in Scotland then therefrom from Ireland
That is not so!!
The Scottish part is true.
Did you know that Thomas of Torcy in France in 1429 fought alongside Joan of Arc that Thomas and two Roberts were Houstons.

Any interest John in rewriting history and indeed any more who wish to help please get in touch.
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07-15-2020, 06:11 PM
Post: #12
RE: Houston connection
Mr. Chips:

Sorry, but I cannot help you. I'm already snowed under. But I wish you all the luck in the world.

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07-15-2020, 07:50 PM
Post: #13
RE: Houston connection
All is fine it’s a difficult time for most to be ahead of the game. Please feel free to input as you wish on information I give, it is criticism I need to keep me on the right track.
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07-18-2020, 12:06 PM (This post was last modified: 07-18-2020 12:32 PM by Mrchips.)
Post: #14
RE: Houston connection
Just to recap what I have said before. There is an unknown branch of the Houstons who married into the Hamlins after Lincoln’s death, and they were connected to the Grays of Richmond and knew the Booths for two generations. Those Houstons were world travelers, too, and got richer and richer and had the best shipping access around the world.

The quiet side of Hannibal Hamlin's family was the and continued to be the richest family in the country.

Charles S. Hamlin under subsequent presidents good and bad short and long term governed the gold reserves and and the paper dollar. The rich part of the Hamlins always kept hidden. They were based in Buffalo, New York, and the richest born of slavery converted on the Houston farms growing grain and livestock and sugar was evolving and were also into racehorses which the Hamlins were heavily into with their riches.

Rutherford B. Hayes miraculously won the presidency after the compliant Ulysses S. Grant
(compliant with slavery choices as aforesaid). President James A. Garfield was groomed by the Buffalo Hamlins into law before becoming president.

Incidentally Rathbone (please forgive any miss spellings) in the box of the assassination with Lincoln (and his fiancé Clara Harris ) at the theater was transferred to Germany as an American envoy and subsequently murdered his wife and went mad. Dying in Germany too. The point of this inference is that he was commissioned to work in the fascinate of the birthplace of George Atzerodt.

Anyway continuing .... the next president to cross swords with Hannibal Hamlin was James Garfield who sent Hamlin to Europe as an American representative in Spain, not the best idea! James Garfield was subsequently assassinated shot in the back and guess where? You guessed in the Potomac Railway Station. Does anyone recognize a continued pattern here. It’s a lot to keep writing and to be continued.

Just one little aside ,you know I like them....Hannibal Hamlin was known to be a mulatto because of the color of his skin ... he retired and formed the Tarratine Club. Back in his home state of Maine the friendly Indians there were mi’ mdaqs known as mic macs (again apologies for miss spellings as I write).

A branch of the Micmac were the Tarratines.

Those mic-macs went south and across the Canada border to Montreal and Quebec and also south to Kentucky and the Cherokees a favorite nation of Sam Houston.
Stopping for now.
Anyone want to help rewrite history yet.

The murderer of James Garfield whilst born in America but was of a French Huguenot family as was the Houston familly I have uncovered. Synthesizers of the Houston history going back to Joan of arc. I will say again the murderers? Lincoln and Garfield originated from Germany and France as did this group of Houstons have ties; they all originally deposed from Scotland, some via Ireland.

The original Houston found came via the the Netherlands which was a staging post for German and French Huguenots Thor transmittal to the American colonies and used as the original slaves as indentured servants.

The originator of the Houston family as I have found also came via the Scottish church in the Netherlands and was arrested and deported to the Americas because he was in favor of the Scottish war in Worcester U.K. which was diverted from an attack meant for London. He was only 19 at the time. He was transported by the rebel family friends with the deposed and beheaded Mary Queen of Scots who was probably the rightful queen of England but unluckily for her she chose to have her base in Scotland against the far more powerful British government. Subsequent results were the bonfire plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament. Incidentally just for a laugh Mary Queen of Scots and Charles the original King and Queen of England including Scotland. Charles had a daughter Elizabeth.

Charles frequented a place called ruffled house in Northumberland and paid for the Scottish church in the Netherlands.

Now a Elizabeth Stewart the time hen royal name married a John Houston secretly in ruffled house.
If there was offspring from that marriage and and that Elizabeth Stewart was the same heiress then that offspring would have been in perilous danger. They would have been in line for the throne.

So why not transfer those offspring for safety to France or in this case the Netherlands because Mary queen of Scots had been beheaded. And then on to the Americas, maybe when he was 19 perhaps.
Also keep that his family hidden would be a great idea.

If all this happened then a Houston in America could be the true king of England by blood.
I do like my bits of fun incidentally the royal family got back into balance with Queen Victoria who was a Huguenot married to the German Prince Albert.

Talk again bye for now
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07-19-2020, 12:16 PM
Post: #15
RE: Houston connection
The honourable Whitelaw Reid was a reporter, political and an advisor to any presidents and became Vice President. He also was related and grew up with the Houstons.
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