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The Good Old Days in Education
08-05-2015, 07:11 PM
Post: #1
The Good Old Days in Education
If you haven't seen this, take a look at how things have changed. No PowerPoint presentation or similar computers here...
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08-06-2015, 01:54 PM (This post was last modified: 08-07-2015 04:42 AM by Eva Elisabeth.)
Post: #2
RE: The Good Old Days in Education
Thanks for sharing, Laurie - this is fascinating! Especially what vibrant colors of chalk were already available in those days which we are used to see depicted in b&w photos. Also I personally still prefer the blackboard to the e-version (smart board). Anyway, no gadget spares the efforts of learning.
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08-06-2015, 04:01 PM (This post was last modified: 08-06-2015 04:05 PM by HerbS.)
Post: #3
RE: The Good Old Days in Education
Black boards-then green boards,white chalk,ditto-machines before Xerox,pointers before lasers! Movies and slides before VCR'S,no power point yet!Sharing department ideas,with tough tests before regents!No Common Core exams.Grade books,lesson plans[corrected in red by department chairs,and seating charts.Faculity lounge,where the people would actually talk to each other!Faculty meetings and faculty cafeteria,and so on and so on-when you might ask,1966!
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08-06-2015, 04:20 PM
Post: #4
RE: The Good Old Days in Education
(08-06-2015 04:01 PM)HerbS Wrote:  ...lesson plans corrected in red by department chairs...

We had to turn our lesson plans in to the principal each Friday (covering the next week). We never got them back. I do not know if he ever even read them.
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08-06-2015, 04:32 PM
Post: #5
RE: The Good Old Days in Education
I was going to school in between the transition from white to smart board so I have experienced the good old days.

Thomas Kearney, Professional Photobomber.
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08-06-2015, 05:52 PM
Post: #6
RE: The Good Old Days in Education
Then the department chairs had the vice principals look at our lesson plans!Then the unions suggested merrit pay for good teachers!However,we all made sure we got raises and a bonus!Thankfully,I taught in an area of the home offices of Kodak,Xerox,and Bausch and Lomb!Boy,am I glad that I retired when I did!District and State buyouts,unused sick days,bonus,and free medical were in play! Those were the days!
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