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Presidents and First Ladies Trivia - Printable Version

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RE: Presidents and First Ladies Trivia - RJNorton - 05-25-2024 02:52 PM

Logical guess, David, but it was not Nancy Reagan.

RE: Presidents and First Ladies Trivia - Gene C - 05-25-2024 03:13 PM

Betty Ford ?

RE: Presidents and First Ladies Trivia - Steve - 05-25-2024 04:34 PM

Lou Hoover? The dated language would seem to place it prior to WWII. And the US didn't annex Hawaii until the McKinley Administration.

RE: Presidents and First Ladies Trivia - RJNorton - 05-25-2024 08:01 PM

Nope, it was not Betty Ford or Lou Hoover.

RE: Presidents and First Ladies Trivia - Anita - 05-25-2024 08:23 PM

Pat Nixon
On second thought it could be Michelle Obama because the Obama's vacationed in Hawaii at Xmas time as I recall.

RE: Presidents and First Ladies Trivia - RJNorton - 05-26-2024 05:04 AM

Nope, it was not Betty Ford or Michelle Obama.

Think much earlier.

RE: Presidents and First Ladies Trivia - Anita - 05-26-2024 05:15 PM

Helen Taft. President Taft visited Hawaii early 1900s. Not sure without Googling if she went with him.

RE: Presidents and First Ladies Trivia - RJNorton - 05-26-2024 06:24 PM

Anita, you win! Kudos!

SOURCE: Helen Taft, Reflections of Full Years, 1914.

RE: Presidents and First Ladies Trivia - RJNorton - 05-30-2024 05:45 PM

No googling please.

Which First Lady wrote, "I should not blame my own heart if I lost all faith in you."

This was written after she found out her husband was seeing another woman.

RE: Presidents and First Ladies Trivia - J. Beckert - 05-30-2024 05:54 PM

With so many serial philanders that have occupied 1600, this is a tough one. I'm going to throw Warren Harding's wife against the wall and see if she sticks.

RE: Presidents and First Ladies Trivia - AussieMick - 05-30-2024 07:11 PM

Although there was much to admire about him, I'll suggest President Kennedy would have caused Jacqueline to at least think something like that.

RE: Presidents and First Ladies Trivia - Steve - 05-31-2024 03:00 AM

Eleanor Roosevelt?

RE: Presidents and First Ladies Trivia - RJNorton - 05-31-2024 04:15 AM

No one is correct so far.

RE: Presidents and First Ladies Trivia - Gene C - 05-31-2024 07:32 AM

Lady Bird Johnson ?

RE: Presidents and First Ladies Trivia - RJNorton - 05-31-2024 07:42 AM

Nope, not Lady Bird Johnson.