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Presidents and First Ladies Trivia - Printable Version

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RE: Presidents and First Ladies Trivia - RJNorton - 05-16-2024 04:56 AM

I am sorry, gentlemen, but it was not T. Roosevelt or Wilson.

RE: Presidents and First Ladies Trivia - Steve - 05-16-2024 05:51 AM

Harry Truman? He was from border state Missouri.

RE: Presidents and First Ladies Trivia - RJNorton - 05-16-2024 08:02 AM

You nailed it, Steve. Although the bed was not actually used by President Lincoln, the late author Dr. Merrill D. Peterson wrote on p. 324 of Lincoln in American Memory: "When President Truman told his aged mother, an unreconstructed Confederate, that she would sleep in Lincoln’s bed when visiting him in the capital, she told him in no uncertain terms that she would sleep on the floor instead."

RE: Presidents and First Ladies Trivia - RJNorton - 05-17-2024 03:55 AM

No googling please.

Which First Lady wrote this to her social secretary:

I'm taking the veil. I've had it with being First Lady all the time, and now I'm going to give more attention to my children. I want you to cut off all outside activity - whether it's a glass of sherry with a poet or coffee with a king. No more art gallery dedications - no nothing - unless absolutely necessary.

RE: Presidents and First Ladies Trivia - Steve - 05-17-2024 05:08 AM

Jackie Kennedy?

RE: Presidents and First Ladies Trivia - RJNorton - 05-17-2024 06:29 AM

Right on, Steve. Indeed she wrote this to her social secretary on January 11, 1963.

RE: Presidents and First Ladies Trivia - RJNorton - 05-17-2024 05:29 PM

No googling please.

Which First Lady wrote:

"I think the doctors would especially like to keep one in bed. The love of money, is the root of all evil."

RE: Presidents and First Ladies Trivia - Steve - 05-17-2024 09:38 PM

Edith Wilson?

RE: Presidents and First Ladies Trivia - Rob Wick - 05-17-2024 10:30 PM

I second Steve on that answer.


RE: Presidents and First Ladies Trivia - AussieMick - 05-18-2024 03:12 AM

I'll guess FDR's wife (her first name escapes me), considering her dislike for money (unless I'm confusing myself and defaming her memory).

RE: Presidents and First Ladies Trivia - RJNorton - 05-18-2024 03:51 AM

All good tries, gentlemen, but none is correct.

RE: Presidents and First Ladies Trivia - Steve - 05-18-2024 04:59 AM

Florence Harding?

I guess I'm going for a theme here with my guesses.

RE: Presidents and First Ladies Trivia - RJNorton - 05-18-2024 06:21 AM

Nope, not Florence Harding.

RE: Presidents and First Ladies Trivia - Gene C - 05-18-2024 07:06 AM

Grace Coolidge?

RE: Presidents and First Ladies Trivia - RJNorton - 05-18-2024 08:16 AM

Nope, not Grace Coolidge.