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David Stanton ? Relation or coincidence ?
02-18-2014, 12:55 PM
Post: #1
David Stanton ? Relation or coincidence ?
Hello everyone,

Does anyone know if David Stanton (who testified at the trial of the conspirators) was of any relation to the Secretary of War? I always thought it was his son but upon review, his son's name was "Edwin".

David Stanton testified that he was allowed a view of Michael O'Laughlen at the Navy Yard in order to identify him as the same man who asked about General Grant and/or the Secretary of War on April 13.

Thanks in advance.
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02-18-2014, 01:55 PM
Post: #2
RE: David Stanton ? Relation or coincidence ?
Edwin's father was named David.
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02-18-2014, 02:01 PM
Post: #3
RE: David Stanton ? Relation or coincidence ?
Edwin's father "Dr. David Stanton" died when Edwin was 13.
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02-18-2014, 08:17 PM
Post: #4
RE: David Stanton ? Relation or coincidence ?
Did Stanton have brothers or nephews who were named after their sire?
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02-19-2014, 06:37 AM
Post: #5
RE: David Stanton ? Relation or coincidence ?
This is strange. Several books, including Roy Chamlee's Lincoln's Assassins, say David Stanton was Edwin Stanton's son. But the Stanton biographies and genealogies I checked make no mention of Edwin ever having a son named David.

In the T. B. Peterson trial version this person is referred to as David Stanton with the following exception:

"During the reading of the record. Mr. Daniel Stanton, who was present, was permitted to amend the record of his own testimony delivered on the previous day. In the amendment, his answer to the question, "Did he ask in regard to General Grant?" now reads, "I meant to say that the man did ask for General Grant," in lieu of "I don't recollect that he did." Mr. Stanton also added, that the man referred to said he was a lawyer, and knew Mr. Stanton very well."
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02-19-2014, 08:59 AM
Post: #6
RE: David Stanton ? Relation or coincidence ?
I think I read somewhere that David Stanton was described as a resident of the Stanton home. Perhaps he was a nephew. Although he testified, I didn't find an official statement from him in the Evidence book. Did I overlook it somewhere? Did someone see it?

He's referred to as "Mr. David Stanton" sans a military rank. I think there was a Col. David Stanton in the Union army - not him I'm thinking. Does anyone have access to census records for the Stanton household via
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02-19-2014, 10:29 AM (This post was last modified: 02-19-2014 01:35 PM by Gene C.)
Post: #7
RE: David Stanton ? Relation or coincidence ?
There is no mention of a "David Stanton" in the index of Benjamin Thomas book on Stanton. (it's a pretty good index)

There is mention of a David Stanton, the secretary's son, in "The Trial" by Edward Steers, in the chapter about Arnold and O'Laughlen by Percy Martin.

** Edwin Stanton had a sister, Oella. She died in 1862 and had a son named David Stanton Tappan (born in 1845) who became a Presbyterian minister **
According to, David's father Benjamin Tappan married twice after married to Oella, but before she died in 1862. However, the dates for births, marriages and deaths don't seem to add up to me on this web site. (especially in regards to Oella's other children and stepchildren?) My best guess would be David was Edwin Stanton's NEPHEW.

Here is the info on Oella, Edwin's sister, David's mother. There are links to other family memebers.


(I'm not good at this genealogy stuff)

So when is this "Old Enough To Know Better" supposed to kick in?
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02-19-2014, 03:11 PM
Post: #8
RE: David Stanton ? Relation or coincidence ?
Perhaps this man?
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02-19-2014, 03:59 PM
Post: #9
RE: David Stanton ? Relation or coincidence ?
(02-19-2014 03:11 PM)RJNorton Wrote:  Perhaps this man?

I'm not sure at this point. It could very well be. It wouldn't be the first time a name or rank was messed up at the trial. Perhaps he was visiting.

I'd like to find Detective John H. HUbbard. From what we know, he was living in Illinois when he was called to Washington D.C. by Baker. By 1867 he was living in Connecticut. Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything on him using

Perhaps someone who is better at searching might have some luck. It would be great to see if he kept a diary. He was the man who testified that Powell spoke of wishing that he would be hanged because he didn't want to sit through the trial.

All he had to do was plead guilty right? Then he may have gotten his wish sooner than later.
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02-19-2014, 09:19 PM
Post: #10
RE: David Stanton ? Relation or coincidence ?
Roger and John,

I believe David Stanton Tappan is Edwin Stanton's nephew. Please see

It's the " International Who's Who from 1912".

Also check here.
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02-20-2014, 05:15 AM
Post: #11
RE: David Stanton ? Relation or coincidence ?
I cannot remember what source said this, but in one book it said something like "young David Stanton" took the stand. This would fit as David Stanton Tappan had just turned 20 when he testified.
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