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I think I might have a I need a book
07-29-2012, 03:29 PM
Post: #16
RE: I think I might have a I need a book
Rob -- I like the title as a tribute to Sandburg; however, I confess, when I saw "Chase" my mind jumped to S. P.Chase for a split second. Still, I do like the title you propose. Have you traveled to Kentucky in your quest for research on Sandburg? The files were very disorganized the last time I tried to plow through them, but I understand Sandburg and William Townsend maintained a long pen pal relationship.
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07-29-2012, 03:59 PM
Post: #17
RE: I think I might have a I need a book
I haven't yet, Donna, although that is on the agenda. I'm in the process right now of working with the Knox College Special Collections in Galesburg and working my way through the Ida Tarbell papers. I know that there are well over 30 letters between Sandburg and Townsend (going both directions) in the Sandburg papers in Urbana. I wonder if there are more in Lexington (which is where Townsend's papers are located, is it not?).

By the way, please remember me to Kim Bauer. Not only was Kim an integral part of the old ALO mailbag, but he and I are products of that great establishment of learning, Eastern Illinois University, known to many as Harvard on the Embarrass (which, for those unaware, is pronounced EM ber ah).


Abraham Lincoln is the only man, dead or alive, with whom I could have spent five years without one hour of boredom.
--Ida M. Tarbell

I want the respect of intelligent men, but I will choose for myself the intelligent.
--Carl Sandburg
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07-29-2012, 09:02 PM
Post: #18
RE: I think I might have a I need a book
(07-29-2012 03:59 PM)Rob Wick Wrote:  I haven't yet, Donna, although that is on the agenda. I'm in the process right now of working with the Knox College Special Collections in Galesburg and working my way through the Ida Tarbell papers. I know that there are well over 30 letters between Sandburg and Townsend (going both directions) in the Sandburg papers in Urbana. I wonder if there are more in Lexington (which is where Townsend's papers are located, is it not?).

By the way, please remember me to Kim Bauer. Not only was Kim an integral part of the old ALO mailbag, but he and I are products of that great establishment of learning, Eastern Illinois University, known to many as Harvard on the Embarrass (which, for those unaware, is pronounced EM ber ah).


Yes, there are Townsend papers at the King Library at University of Kentucky. There may be some at the Filson Club - not sure. I am not even sure the ones at UK are organized. They were just piled in boxes a few years ago.
I will remind Kim next time I speak to him. I sent an email and asked him to make an appearance or two here. Hopefully, he will join in the conversations.
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08-16-2014, 04:17 PM
Post: #19
RE: I think I might have a I need a book
Haven't heard from Rob in a long time. Wonder how the book is coming?

Bill Nash
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