"Herndon was born mediocre"
12-06-2012, 06:47 PM
Post: #31
RE: "Herndon was born mediocre"
(12-04-2012 10:47 AM)Rob Wick Wrote: Tom, I would echo Rob in asking what level of proof could exist reasonably to conclude some kind of romance occurred. As the above mentioned Simon and Wilson show, there is near unanimous agreement on the matter of those still living who were in a position to know. I think the question of the Ann Rutledge matter and the Randalls goes far beyond the importance of the supposed romance which as Tom E. points out has been dramatized by many. What Ruth Painter Randall did was essentially "Shoot the messenger." She didn't like much of the material Herndon had collected. So she went after the credibility of Herndon on Ann Rutledge and in doing so did it in a very shoddy manner (i.e. out of context quotes, simply ignorning things, etc., trying to come up with every bad bit of gossip she could on Billy Herndon.) To paraphrase a fake Lincoln quote, "She was after bigger game." If she could disqualify Herndon on this (never mind Menard Axis and Holland's Informants were independent evidence) she could disqualify or at least cast doubts in much of Herndon's Informants. The negative effect of this "Sifting the Ann Rutledge Evidence" thus had nothing to do with Ann Rutledge. The real damage (and it was about 50 years worth) was that it made historians not use this wealth of information. As I believe I said before Michael Burlingame has said, "Historians treated it like high level toxic waste." It is almost if the Randalls said it was "And thus sayeth the Lord." I wrote an article in the "Lincoln Herald" about 10 years ago about how historians in the intern almost fell over themselves to say who believed in the Ann Rutledge story the least. It was almost your opening statement of your seriousness as a Lincoln scholar. The Randalls set up an impossible to reach standard of study on Lincoln's early life that it was all but ignored or given very short shrift. I look upon the romance as simply a biographical incidenct in his life. The death of a fiance must leave some sort of mark on someone. It doesn't mean that the person never could love another woman ever again, as I have said. |
12-10-2012, 03:43 PM
Post: #32
RE: "Herndon was born mediocre"
I am completely in agreement with Mike B's closing statement on the importance of the Ann Rutledge romance.
Rob, I understand your question on "evidence." (And, let me also note your poignant comments on your life experiences. I'm sorry for your losses). But, some writers such as Mark Neely (in his Abraham Lincoln Encyclopedia) are highly dismissive of a Rutledge romance, even citing the Menard Axis report. I certainly don't mean to compare myself to Neely. But, I still have issues with the idea of a Rutledge romance. I know that some New Salem residents supported the idea of a romance -- but weren't there some that didn't? (Help me on this -- I'm doing this off memory. If I'm wrong, sorry). In addition, haven't there been some questions on Mentor Graham's honesty, for lack of a better word? Also, I felt the late 1990s studies were not as balanced as they could have been, as I said. Let me ask your opinion on this: do you think Herndon was trying to examine all evidence to come up with a balanced finding? Or, was he trying to prove a notion, just because he hated Mary? Herndon gave us a portrait of the daily life of Lincoln that cannot be found anywhere else; but I think he offset that with his exaggerations of subjects like Ann Rutledge, which detract from his credibility. My main gripe, though, is the way Herndon, and plenty of others, have blown the romance out of proportion. There is no question that there could have been a romance between Lincoln and Ann. But, there has never been anything to go on to believe it was something spectacular as some have written. Herndon, or anyone else through the years, really could not make that claim. At any rate, I am in complete agreement with Mike B's statement on the romance's importance in Lincoln's life. |
12-10-2012, 05:11 PM
Post: #33
RE: "Herndon was born mediocre"
(12-10-2012 03:43 PM)Tom Emery Wrote: I know that some New Salem residents supported the idea of a romance -- but weren't there some that didn't? Hi Tom. In Walsh's book the author cites Wilson's research among 24 New Salem residents who were contacted by Herndon. Although memories were obviously wavering after the passage of time, 22 of the 24 according to Wilson were favorable to the question, "Did Lincoln love or court Ann Rutledge?" |
12-10-2012, 07:08 PM
Post: #34
RE: "Herndon was born mediocre"
(12-10-2012 03:43 PM)Tom Emery Wrote: I am completely in agreement with Mike B's closing statement on the importance of the Ann Rutledge romance. Tom, I would point out that Mark Neely wrote his Encyclopedia in 1982. In later books like his 1995 "The Last Best Hope of Earth" he came out in favor of the romance. Neely was writing in the "thus sayeth the Lord" period of the Randalls in his encyclopedia. I recall Stephen Oates wrote about the same time that nobody in New Salem thought the romance happened. The power of the Randalls was just that strong on this point. Really, until Simon and Wilson nobody even bothered to look at the actual material and just kept repeating what the Randalls had said. Again, I would point you to Doug Wilson on the hatred of Mary Lincoln by Herndon. It is true they hated each other from 1866 or so onward. But there is no real evidence that they were mortal enemies before than. Herndon certainly had his opinions on the lack of happiness in the Lincoln marriage at the time (as did others), but he kept them to himself before then. The so-called "serpent" story has been blown out of proportion and in the full context Herndon is telling the story somewhat on himself for his own social clumsiness. In any case it is a flimsy reed to hang a lifetime of hatred on. Here is an earlier version of Wilson's essay which is found in "The Mary Lincoln Enigma:" http://quod.lib.umich.edu/j/jala/2629860...w=fulltext Worth a read. I think it kind of pokes holes in the idea that Herndon went out of his way to led interviewees or tried to get them to say negative things about Mary or to push the Ann Rutledge story. Again it is just a biographical incident. The poetry, plays, and other writers who couldn't resist the romantic notion of it doesn't affect the actual evidence. |
12-10-2012, 09:45 PM
Post: #35
RE: "Herndon was born mediocre"
Quote:Rob, I understand your question on "evidence." (And, let me also note your poignant comments on your life experiences. I'm sorry for your losses).Thanks Tom. I sincerely appreciate that. Quote:Let me ask your opinion on this: do you think Herndon was trying to examine all evidence to come up with a balanced finding? Or, was he trying to prove a notion, just because he hated Mary? To be honest, I don't know what Herndon's motivation was. But again, even if he hated Mary to the depths of hell (which before 1866 I'm not convinced he did) it still doesn't refute evidence of a romance. I believe Herndon was trying to pull Lincoln from what he saw as hagiography and did that in every aspect of his life, including his romances. Quote:My main gripe, though, is the way Herndon, and plenty of others, have blown the romance out of proportion. What hurt the studies of this question was Wilma Minor. Of course, had Sandburg (and to a lesser extent, Tarbell) not lent their names to the credibility of the letters, she would have been more of an odd footnote than she was. But regardless of how other writers have handled it, to me it still doesn't prove negativity where a romance is concerned. I have a feeling that east is east and west is west on this question, which is, of course, OK. I appreciate the give and take. Best Rob Abraham Lincoln is the only man, dead or alive, with whom I could have spent five years without one hour of boredom. --Ida M. Tarbell
I want the respect of intelligent men, but I will choose for myself the intelligent. --Carl Sandburg
12-28-2012, 05:19 PM
Post: #36
RE: "Herndon was born mediocre"
I originally posted the following on the "Lincoln is big enough to be inconsistent" thread, and realize that it would have been more suited to this thread! Here goes:
Regardless of whatever anyone may think of William Herndon, we owe him a huge debt of gratitude. Certainly, his description of things that were directly observable, such as Lincoln's gait, we can find nowhere else. As for all of the people he interviewed or corresponded with... well, I hate to think of how much poorer we would be without the huge pile of "oral histories" he sought and accumulated. Others did some interviewing, too - Jesse Weik, John Nicolay, Ida Tarbell - but none to the extent that Herndon did. And Herndon began within a month of his former partner's death! He was a man on a mission and, he, more than any other, could truly say by the end of his life, "Mission Accomplished." That being said, I agree with David Herbert Donald's criticism of Herndon's intuitive observations. Herndon came up with all sorts of weird descriptions and theories of physical and mental aspects of Lincoln's below-surface characteristics. For example, Lincoln "moved slowly and thought slowly." Though Lincoln's thinking was severely logical, somehow, it was also "gnarly," as was his body. The reason, Herndon said, for Lincoln's slownness was his very sluggish circulation!! (If it were as sluggish as Herndon seemed to suggest, Lincoln would have been dead long before he was ever elected president!) Herndon also said that Lincoln didn't hate any particular individuals or groups of individuals (which seems mostly accurate), but he didn't love them, either. Now I'm sure we here can all agree that Lincoln was a man who loved many, whether they were family members or close friends. Herndon also couldn't imagine that anyone was ever as close to Lincoln as he was, not even Joshua Speed! Also irksome for me are some of Herndon's above-surface Lincoln descriptions. For example, he said that Lincoln was "not muscular, but wirey." Almost every description I've read from every other person who ever had a chance to find out stated that Lincoln was very muscular (see, e.g., statements of friends, artists, tailors, doctors, politicians). Herndon also claimed Lincoln's shoulders were narrow and that his chest was thin. This statement is also belied by two things - the comment of a tailor who was sizing Lincoln up for a suit in advance of his inauguration (see, in particular, Holzer's book, Lincoln President-Elect) and the evidence that Lincoln was physically very powerful to the day of his death. I have to assume that Herndon was focusing on his former partner's slouching posture and tendency to droop his shoulders, which gave the impression of narrow shoulders and a thin chest. And one other thing. Herndon went on and on about how Lincoln was a great appellate lawyer but a poor nisi prius (trial) lawyer, and he gave as his reason Lincoln's supposed ignorance of the rules of evidence. As someone with a legal background, I think that what Herndon was really observing of Lincoln's lawyerly aptitude was the latter's famous manner of attacking a case by going to the root of the problem, and discarding or ignoring as extraneous anything that did not go to the root. Check out my web sites: http://www.petersonbird.com http://www.elizabethjrosenthal.com |
01-16-2013, 08:44 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-16-2013 08:59 PM by antiquefinder.)
Post: #37
RE: "Herndon was born mediocre"
(11-21-2012 06:57 PM)Rob Wick Wrote: I've always gone against the grain where Herndon is concerned. Without Herndon, much of what we know about Lincoln's early life would have been lost. While one certainly has to use his interviews with caution, I've never accepted that distance from events automatically makes remembrance suspect. In sharp detail, maybe, but it doesn't mean the broad outlines are incorrect. Rob- I have just run across this thread and I read it twice. The way that you worded the explanation of Herndon was right on the money. I totally agree with you and what Mike B. said. Rob- the way you worded how Lincoln felt about Ann Rutledge really struck a chord. I personally think Mary Todd was not the right wife for Lincoln, but was probably the right person to get him to become president at the time. I believe Lincoln loved Mary but maybe if they didn't have kids together, Lincoln might have had enough. Just a thought. IMO Ann Rutledge was his match. They both came from the same way of living and a simple life where Mary Todd came from wealth and a privileged life. Mary didn't know what it meant to struggle. Great post Rob! (11-21-2012 07:10 PM)Mike B. Wrote: I have a lot of thoughts on Herndon, but I will try to be as brief as a windbag like myself can be. Mike B.- Awesome and well thought out post! I agree with your post. Without Herndon, we all wouldn't know what we know about Lincoln. I believe the story about Lincoln and Ann Rutledge. I think that was Lincoln's true love. Besides, what would Herndon gain from telling this story? He certainly wasn't getting paid for it. I also agree what Rob said about how Herndon told the story of Lincoln's mother Nancy being illegitimate. Why would he pick Nancy Lincoln to lie about? What would he gain by making these stories up? I have read a number of times that Herndon said Lincoln had syphillis when he was younger and was treated with mercury. Lincoln told Herndon that he visited a prostitute. I don't remember if Herndon stated that this was before or after Lincoln was married to Mary Todd? Do we know for a fact that Lincoln did have syphillis? Everything you said Mike B. was well put. Bravo! |
01-17-2013, 06:26 AM
Post: #38
RE: "Herndon was born mediocre"
(01-16-2013 08:44 PM)antiquefinder Wrote: Lincoln told Herndon that he visited a prostitute. I don't remember if Herndon stated that this was before or after Lincoln was married to Mary Todd? Do we know for a fact that Lincoln did have syphillis? Good morning, Gloria. We do not know this for a fact. Herndon's reference is to an incident in Beardstown, Illinois, in the mid-1830's. So this is 6 or 7 years before he married Mary. It's possible Lincoln thought he had syphilis. Whether he really did or not is unknown for certain. In recent years some have speculated that Mary Lincoln may have had syphilis. There has been some interesting research on her cause of death. For example, there is the work of Dr. Norbert Hirschhorn and the late Dr. Robert Feldman on this subject. Their research indicates Mary died of tabes dorsalis which is a condition that results from the destruction of the dorsal columns in the spinal cord, normally responsible for position sense. Loss of position sense causes severe gait and leg ataxia (balance and motor control problems). The authors state that tabes dorsalis can be the result of diabetes, spinal cord injury, or infection (syphilis). In 1863 Mary was involved in a serious carriage accident, and at the age of 60, in Pau, France, Mary took a fall from a stepladder and injured her spinal cord. Tabes dorsalis results in a staggering wide-based gait, postural instability, pain, and paresthesias. I believe some doctors feel that tabes dorsalis never originates without syphilis. This can be argued. Mary Lincoln's cause of death varies from book to book. There was no autopsy or post mortem of any kind. Who knows. |
01-17-2013, 09:20 AM
Post: #39
RE: "Herndon was born mediocre"
Thanks for the kind words Gloria. I appreciate them.
Best Rob Abraham Lincoln is the only man, dead or alive, with whom I could have spent five years without one hour of boredom. --Ida M. Tarbell
I want the respect of intelligent men, but I will choose for myself the intelligent. --Carl Sandburg
01-17-2013, 09:33 AM
Post: #40
RE: "Herndon was born mediocre"
It sounds like Mary suffered from a combination of ailments, hard to tell which one finally was more than she could bare.
Is Hendon's book the first book to start the Mary criticisms? So when is this "Old Enough To Know Better" supposed to kick in? |
01-17-2013, 12:07 PM
Post: #41
RE: "Herndon was born mediocre"
(01-17-2013 06:26 AM)RJNorton Wrote:(01-16-2013 08:44 PM)antiquefinder Wrote: Lincoln told Herndon that he visited a prostitute. I don't remember if Herndon stated that this was before or after Lincoln was married to Mary Todd? Do we know for a fact that Lincoln did have syphillis? Hi Roger- I could have sworn that I read somewhere that Lincoln's dna was tested for syphyllis and that it showed he most likely did have it? Am I dreaming? ![]() |
01-17-2013, 12:17 PM
Post: #42
RE: "Herndon was born mediocre"
Have I missed something? I was under the impression that all requests to sample Lincoln's DNA had been rejected so far.
01-17-2013, 12:37 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-17-2013 08:38 PM by Gene C.)
Post: #43
RE: "Herndon was born mediocre"
If Lincoln's body is encased in concrete, about the only thing available to test would be hair. After 150 years, I would be skeptical of anything they claim to find from a sample that old.
So when is this "Old Enough To Know Better" supposed to kick in? |
01-17-2013, 01:58 PM
Post: #44
RE: "Herndon was born mediocre"
Hi Gloria. The only thing I can think of on this regards a show on NGC in 2011 titled Lincoln's Secret Killer. Dr. John Sotos, who had been denied a DNA request by at least one museum, tested what he was told was a small piece from Laura Keene's dress. The piece allegedly had Lincoln's blood on it. Personally, I am one who has questioned whether the blood on Keene's dress was Rathbone's or Lincoln's. So I have no idea whose blood Dr. Sotos was really testing (my opinion is that it's Rathbone's). The purpose of the test was not to test for syphilis; rather Dr. Sotos believes that Lincoln suffered from a rare genetic cancer syndrome called MEN2B (multiple endocrine neoplasia, type 2B). He feels Lincoln had less than a year to live. Anyway, the tests performed were inconclusive for MEN2B. But Dr. Sotos has continued his search for Lincoln's DNA by contacting private collectors. I think the Petersen House has a pillowcase Lincoln bled on, but I am unsure if other pillowcases he bled on are in private collections. Maybe someone here will know.
01-17-2013, 02:22 PM
Post: #45
RE: "Herndon was born mediocre"
(01-17-2013 01:58 PM)RJNorton Wrote: Hi Gloria. The only thing I can think of on this regards a show on NGC in 2011 titled Lincoln's Secret Killer. Dr. John Sotos, who had been denied a DNA request by at least one museum, tested what he was told was a small piece from Laura Keene's dress. The piece allegedly had Lincoln's blood on it. Personally, I am one who has questioned whether the blood on Keene's dress was Rathbone's or Lincoln's. So I have no idea whose blood Dr. Sotos was really testing (my opinion is that it's Rathbone's). The purpose of the test was not to test for syphilis; rather Dr. Sotos believes that Lincoln suffered from a rare genetic cancer syndrome called MEN2B (multiple endocrine neoplasia, type 2B). He feels Lincoln had less than a year to live. Anyway, the tests performed were inconclusive for MEN2B. But Dr. Sotos has continued his search for Lincoln's DNA by contacting private collectors. I think the Petersen House has a pillowcase Lincoln bled on, but I am unsure if other pillowcases he bled on are in private collections. Maybe someone here will know. Roger- maybe that show is what I was thinking of. |
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