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Congratulations and Best Wishes
04-15-2018, 02:34 PM (This post was last modified: 04-15-2018 02:35 PM by L Verge.)
Post: #16
RE: Congratulations and Best Wishes
(04-14-2018 10:01 PM)L Verge Wrote:  I'm back home after a great afternoon and evening in the peaceful countryside of the Northern Neck of Virginia with a beautiful, personalized wedding in a beautiful old church and then on to the equally peaceful grounds of the Dr Mudd House for a great reception under a large tent. Despite temperatures in the 80s, the church was air conditioned and there is always a cooling breeze at the Mudd farm.

Like Betty, I'll try and fill in more later and hopefully have some photos from my grandson's phone to share. It was hard to get clear shots of Dave and Kate, but I sure hope we got one that shows her elegant, classic gown -- modern, yet a historic feel to it. Some very creative touches that I'm sure Dave and Kate originated: lapel "roses" made from pages cut from American Brutus, small tins of candy with a label of a garden scene with bride and groom on a bench, table centerpieces that consisted of American Brutus as a base, a special little bag weighted down and containing a candle, which was lit as the sun went down, and a floral centerpiece created with a chia pet Lincoln head and a hole drilled at the top so that a floral display of pink silk flowers and more Brutus roses could be displayed (the planting of the Lincoln head could be done later), and each had a Lincoln saying on the side of the bust. The overall theme for the day was "The Rest is History," which was imprinted on the candle bags along with the garden scene of bride and groom, and a large banner displaying the motto graced the skirting of the head table.

The Lincoln theme was reinforced when the wedding cake was cut with a hatchet to symbolize the rail-splitter's axe! Very unique.

Also in attendance was Tom Fink, director of Tudor Hall, and Carolyn Mitchell-Voss from California, who attended the Surratt conference last weekend and remained in the area for the wedding. My grandson and I enjoyed the company of Henry Mudd from the Mudd House staff and Robin Garrett, wife of our Jim. Kate's 19-year-old brother gave a wonderful toast by recalling his childhood under the tutelage and support of his big sister. This was definitely not one of those "cookie-cutter ceremonies;" this one was definitely personalized for Dave and Kate.

Forgot to add other unique, Lincoln-related details that the couple thought of. Dave's groomsmen wore cuff links made from Lincoln pennies, and each attendee at the reception picked up a place card with their name and table assignment on it. The place card itself is actually a reproduction of the ticket one needed to get into the military trial of the conspirators in 1865.

P.S. to Dave and Richard P. -- Dave, heed well the last line of Richard's preceding post...
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04-15-2018, 05:09 PM
Post: #17
RE: Congratulations and Best Wishes
This was a absolutely a wonderful wedding, from the rehersal dinner all the way through to the cake cutting with a hatchet no less. For those who didn't know, Kate has a keen interest in the Lizzie Borden affair and she and Dave gave the cake 40 whacks.

I arrive early to the rehersal at Enon Baptist church and had the pleasure to meet Jenny and her wonderful mom, (I thought it was her younger sister) Roxanne. They came all the way from Amarilo. Great to put a face (and a beautiful one at that) with a name.

Dave comes from a very large family. His brother Jim is 6'8"!!!

Kate was absolutely stunning in a refined and beautiful antique ivory dress. Dave looked dignified and assured.

Had a most enjpyable time.
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04-15-2018, 05:45 PM (This post was last modified: 04-15-2018 06:24 PM by Jenny.)
Post: #18
RE: Congratulations and Best Wishes
(04-15-2018 05:09 PM)Jim Garrett Wrote:  I arrive early to the rehersal at Enon Baptist church and had the pleasure to meet Jenny and her wonderful mom, (I thought it was her younger sister) Roxanne. They came all the way from Amarilo. Great to put a face (and a beautiful one at that) with a name.

Jim, my mother says to tell you that it was worth coming all the way from Texas just to hear your compliments!Wink It was a thrill to meet you! My mom and I enjoyed it immensely! Thank you for showing us the Harrett graves! I wish we’d had more time to talk - I am shy in person while my mom will talk your ear off. You were great (and hilarious)!

I was also EXTREMELY lucky that Laurie came to work today at the Surratt House Museum since I missed her at the wedding! Thank you for your time, Laurie! Heart It was a true pleasure to meet you in person at last.
EDIT: Oh, and thank you for vouching for me being a Surratt Society lifetime member - bringing my card from Texas didn’t even occur to me! Oops!Blush

I have a few wedding pics I’ll try to post from my phone. It was truly the most unique, memorable wedding I’ve ever been to in my life, that’s for sure!!

The lovely couple at the church! Kate’s dress was stunning! Such a beautiful, personalized wedding!
[Image: 3x6dx.jpg]

Apparently Dave has an owl obsession as well as a Booth one!
[Image: 2hs5gdd.jpg]

Lizzie Borden took an axe; gave the cake 40 whacks?
[Image: 2lwvpsh.jpg]

I am sure Laurie and Betty got some better pictures!

Bonus: Laurie and me today. (I kinda look like I want to steal Laurie’s soul in this picture!)
[Image: n2j0up.jpg]
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04-15-2018, 06:58 PM
Post: #19
RE: Congratulations and Best Wishes
It was wonderful to finally meet Jenny. We have corresponded for about ten years, and she and her mother are very warm and friendly folks (of course, they are Southerners!).

Thanks to both Jenny and Jim for setting me straight on the use of the hatchet. I was relating its symbolism to Lincoln's rail-splitting axe - having forgotten that one of the first things I learned about Kate was her interest in the Lizzie Borden case (just like several of us Boothies - even have a friend who spent the night in the Fall River house).

Now I know that Dave is really serious about owls. I inherited a preserved owl that was given to my mother when she was 16 in 1930. It was a gift from an 84-year-old lady who was given it in the late-1800s. I once mentioned that I should give Hooty to a nature center, and Dave offered to take him if need be. Hooty is still in my basement.

He's a large, fierce looking beast, and he used to sit on top of our 1890 upright piano in my family's living room. I think my mom kept him there on purpose to frown down on me and frighten me enough to practice my piano lessons. I'm just a tad concerned about whether or not he has been preserved with arsenic all these years...
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04-15-2018, 09:20 PM
Post: #20
RE: Congratulations and Best Wishes
Kate and I would like to thank you all for your well wishes about our recent wedding. As Laurie has already described we made sure to imbue every part of the day with our shared interest in Lincoln and his assassination. I wish I had some pictures to share with you all but we won’t have the professional photographer’s pictures for a couple of weeks and, unsurprisingly, we were a little busy and didn’t really take any of our own. When we finally do get the pictures, I’ll be sure to post them here.

And, yes, as a child owls were my favorite animals. I had dozens of owl figurines, stuffed animals, books, toys, everything. I absolutely loved owls and wanted nothing more than to grow up to be an ornithologist or raptor rehabilitator. While my career direction changed, I still have a strong passion for owls. Three years ago we met a man named Mike who does some re-enacting as historical figures. He and Kate actually did a re-enactment together as George Atzerodt and Mary Surratt a couple of years back (with a sequel planned for July). In a fortuitous twist of fate, Mike also does outdoor education in Charles County and has access to raptors. Mike was very gracious when I approached him with the idea of having some feathered guests at the wedding reception. I think they were a hit.

I promise to provide pictures when I get them. Until then, thank you all again for your kind words and support. Speaking for Mrs. Taylor and myself, I can tell you how much we appreciate them.
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