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Conspirator on the shelf
12-29-2013, 09:58 AM
Post: #1
Conspirator on the shelf
I was reading Dave Taylor's BoothieBarn and his banner at the top shows the gang seemingly ready to participate in some sort of Secret Santa. It got me to thinking about the wildly popular Elf on the Shelf. Would a Conspirator on the Shelf be as popular? Probably not in terms of numbers but for us assassination nuts it could be fun.
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12-29-2013, 10:24 AM
Post: #2
RE: Conspirator on the shelf

I have an Original (circa 1958-1959) "Elf on the Shelf" given me by my grandparents when I was about 5-6 years old....they are priceless!

But yes, I'd buy a Conspirator on the Shelf! Any Crafters out there?!

"The Past is a foreign country...they do things differently there" - L. P. Hartley
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