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It’s a Free Country. For How Much Longer?
04-05-2024, 07:56 AM
Post: #5
RE: It’s a Free Country. For How Much Longer?
(04-04-2024 02:54 PM)Rob Wick Wrote:  Well, you're wrong. Look at the definition of "erring on the side."

"to use or show more of (something) than may be needed so that one can be sure that he or she is using or showing enough of it."

As he often did, Lincoln showed enough strength so that Maryland (and others he also wanted to take notice) knew that if they attempted to do serious harm, they would be dealt with firmly regardless of public opinion. Yet he also gave them an out in that his orders were specific and not too broad (a point that Parker makes and you, again, hide).

Rob states:

"err on the side of caution" means "to reduce risk by planning or acting more carefully than might seem absolutely necessary."

Example: "Budget for all your known expenses, but err on the side of caution by also allowing funds for unforeseen circumstances."

I quoted Doris Kearns Goodwin in my Post #3:

Receiving word that the mobs intended to destroy the train tracks between Annapolis and Philadelphia in order to prevent the long-awaited troops from reaching the beleaguered capital, Lincoln made the controversial decision. If resistance along the military line between Washington and Philadelphia made it "necessary to suspend the writ of Habeas Corpus for the public safety," Lincoln authorized General Scott to do so.

"So very difficult a matter is it to trace and find out the truth of anything by history." -- Plutarch
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RE: It’s a Free Country. For How Much Longer? - David Lockmiller - 04-05-2024 07:56 AM

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