Seed Pearl Necklace and Bracelets
07-13-2019, 09:19 PM
Post: #286
RE: Seed Pearl Necklace and Bracelets
(07-11-2019 04:47 AM)RJNorton Wrote:Good evening Roger. Can I ask you a serious question and receive a serious response? In fact, this is the most serious question or comment that I've posted on this forum since I signed up.(07-10-2019 06:38 PM)AussieMick Wrote: James, I can't recall ... have you told us whether anybody (apart from yourself) thinks that your images bear a strong resemblance to Abraham and Mary Lincoln? WHY .... did you post the link above to Bill Nash's former website? What if anything positive or educational would you expect to be gained by doing so? I've scratched my head since you did so trying to understand what your motivation was and I can't come up with anything other than pure vindictiveness. You've said in the past that this site is perused on a constant basis by children of all ages, from middle school to college, for purposes of educating them on the life and career of Abraham Lincoln. As a retired professor, do you really believe that the type of remarks and rhetoric used by the owner has any redeemable qualities whatsoever that would be beneficial to ANYONE, let alone young impressionable children? Life is a continuous learning experience and I truly am interested in learning why a gentleman like you would do that. I can state pretty much unequivocally that your posting of the comments have zero impact on the individual you referenced, so what is your desired outcome? Please give me a serious answer. I'm genuinely curious. I was taught and have always believed that people such as you who have achieved a certain station in life would have been somewhat above the fray and incapable of that. Thank you in advance for your reply. To follow up on your and Gene's and Steve's questions and comments about why a photograph of Abraham and Mary Lincoln wouldn't have been front page news nationwide, I mentioned viewing events that transpired in the middle of the nineteenth century through a twenty-first century lens. It's about perspective. On March 4th 1861, the guy who had just been inaugurated was, for the most part and with the exception of some of his closest friends and associates, Abraham Lincoln in name only. The civil war had yet to begin, the Emancipation Proclamation was nothing more than a pipe dream to all but a few ardent abolishionists, he had yet to be assassinated and martyred, Mount Rushmore and the Lincoln Memorial weren't even on the drawing board, the five dollar bill and penny likewise,.... etc. Abraham Lincoln, to most people, was nothing more than a curiosity to most of the people in the population centers in the eastern half of the country. Indeed, a country bumpkin from the backwoods of Illinois. Photographs of Lincoln that were taken upon his arrival in Washington in February had already made their way into newspapers. A photograph of Abraham and Mary Lincoln was not a big deal. It was a private sitting arranged by Mary upon realization of a lifelong dream that resulted in a personal keepsake or memento to commemorate the event. It would have been solely at the discretion of the Lincolns as to the amount of publicity they wished to have brought to bear, and neither of their personalities lent itself to sharing a private moment with the public at large. And not to belabor the point, but there was no negative associated with daguerreotypes, ambrotypes, or tintypes. Had any photographer directed the sitting, it would almost certainly have involved the newer carte-de-visite, which was produced by a negative and could have been financially advantageous to the photographer, who would have owned the negative and all the rights of commerce associated with it. As pointed out earlier, the 1846-'48 daguerreotype of Lincoln in the Library of Congress shocked the public when they first learned of it in the December 1895 issue of McClure's Magazine. How did that photograph manage to remain hidden all that time? In the Kunhardt's book, they point out that SEVEN ORIGINAL GLASS PLATE NEGATIVES of Abraham Lincoln were found among the thousands of other plates that lay strewn across a warehouse floor in Hoboken, New Jersey in 1902. The Lincoln collecting craze that we know today simply didn't exist prior to Frederick Hill Meserve. (07-13-2019 08:33 PM)AussieMick Wrote: So ... Mary looking emaciated, Lincoln's missing mole, and the watch chain.Please, PLEASE take a deep breath and hold it, Mick. I promise I'll get back to you. |
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