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Seed Pearl Necklace and Bracelets
06-08-2019, 01:24 AM
Post: #209
RE: Seed Pearl Necklace and Bracelets
(06-07-2019 07:51 PM)Anita Wrote:  
(06-07-2019 02:18 PM)Gene C Wrote:  Question for anyone - Who were the prominent photographers at the time of Lincoln's inauguration in Washington DC?
Would it be safe to believe that only an experienced and prominent photographer would be given the responsibility of taking such a historic photograph?
Would the prominent photographer in question still be using the daguerreotype process by 1861? Other photographs of the inauguration and of Lincoln from 1861 do not seem to be daguerreotypes -

"By the late 1850s, most American artists had switched from the daguerreotype process to large glass-plate negatives and albumen silver prints that combined the exquisite clarity of the daguerreotype and the endless reproducibility of paper-print photography. The glass plates were also extremely light sensitive, making exposure times dramatically shorter."

Both the Matthew Brady Lincoln Cooper Union Portrait Feb. 27,1860 and the Alexander Gardner portrait of Lincoln taken on Feb. 24, 1861 at Brady's Washington studio used the glass plate negative and print technology.

James, in post 143 you said "It's the only known photograph of Abraham and Mary Todd Lincoln posed together, an original quarter plate daguerreotype taken the evening of March 4th, 1861. Period!" When there is major disagreement by viewers of your dag that it isn't Mary and Abraham Lincoln that's portrayed, it is your responsibility to produce additional documentation to support your claim. The image itself is not enough. Remember this is the President of the United States and the First Lady on inauguration day! If a portrait was made that day it would be by the top photographer in Washington and documented. The latest technology would be used. The print technology allowed copies to be made. That's why a number of forum members have asked about the photographer.

The activities/events of a President and First Lady on inauguration day is witnessed by many and well documented. Where in this account of that evening did they sit for your dag portrait? Who drove them to the studio? What studio?

"After the ceremonies, the Lincolns entered the White House wanting to rest and dress before the inaugural ball, a gala occasion for that dismal day. But there was the immediate Blue Room reception. And when about seventeen sat down to eat their first meal in the White House, Lincoln interrupted dinner and spoke to about one thousand delegates from New York. [11] Miss Lane made the gracious gesture of planning an "elegant dinner" for the Lincolns, their visiting relatives, and friends. The presidential party sat down to Miss Lane's wonderful meal and gratefully devoured both food and wine. No menu exists. After dinner, they scattered to their rooms and prepared for the inaugural ball. The presidential party finally arrived at the inaugural ball at 11 P.M. Stephen A. Douglas, Mrs. Lincoln's old beau, danced the quadrille with the new First Lady, a term first used with Mary Lincoln. The president left for the White House at 1 A.M., though Mrs. Lincoln remained at the ball. "

James, when people have questions about authenticity of an object it is the responsibility of the person or institution making the claim to answer those questions. Why is there not one single witness to this photography session or at the least knew of it?
Anita - Thank you! This may well be the most probing response to any of my posts, and it requires more than a few modest comments. There are some very astute observations and great questions/statements in your post, and i want to respond in kind. I also want to respond to Laurie's and Susan's more recent posts as well. I have to work tomorrow and I'm too tired to deal with it tonight. After sparring with everyone on here over the last few days, I'm about one synapse misfire from a straightjacket. Give me a couple of days to give your comments the response they deserve. Unlike playing with Dave, I gotta do a little thinkin on this one.
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