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Seed Pearl Necklace and Bracelets
06-04-2019, 08:26 AM
Post: #169
RE: Seed Pearl Necklace and Bracelets
Dave - Mr. Weinberg was contacted right after the discovery of the daguerreotype. He (and Timothy Bakken) stated the couple were of equal height, that the gentleman was too neatly and nattily dressed to be Abraham Lincoln, even to the point of holding a "hanky" in his left hand. Objectivity is only one part of the equation. Rudimentary powers of observation and reasoning also have to be applied in authenticating a photograph.
Obviously, you're right about the sarcasm, but let's be honest; it cuts both ways. It's a contentious debate. Both sides are convinced they're right. That's why I'm attempting to allow the visual evidence to do the speaking. But at some point, people have to come to their senses. You folks are throwing everything in your arsenal at what you are convinced is a phony pane of glass. You're convinced that the next rock, the next bottle, the brick going to break it. It's BULLETPROOF! You can't break it. It's the real deal. You're just going to have to deal with reality at some point. And that's not sarcasm, that's just the honest-to-god's truth.

James, it's interesting, and admirable, that you are frank about Dan Weinberg's observations (which seem accurate to me). Yet shortly after you say that "rudimentary powers of observation and reasoning also have to be applied in authenticating a photograph." I'm confused here. Are you saying that Mr. Weinberg lacks those powers and reasoning ability? What if he had agreed with you? But, then, if that had been true, we'd not be having this conversation, would we?

The other thing that troubles me about the dag, and which you do not address, is the lack of any connection to the Lincolns. The web site does give both a history of the photograph and those who owned it, but says nary a word about the Lincolns ever owning it. A genuine Lincoln item rarely appears. But when it does, its provenance is made available for inspection. So, in the absence of such, you are suggesting what? That the dag somehow left the Lincolns and eventually became the property of the ancestors of a woman named Ruth Montgomery Day. Eventually it became her property. Fine--that's what often happens to old pictures. But how did this picture get to her ancestors?

Some time ago, Donna told me that I "couldn't knock the dag off its perch." That made me smile at the time. You and she seem to think that if people here try to explain why they don't think you have what you say, they are throwing stones, bottles, and bricks. Not true.

Why did you come here, if not to seek informed opinion?
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