Seed Pearl Necklace and Bracelets
03-04-2018, 01:53 PM
Post: #16
The seed pearl ensemble that is indeed documented in photos is always associated with a white dress. The countless websites that include photos of Mary wearing a white dress and adorned with the seed pearl jewelry, and who state quite convincingly that this was her March 4th 1861 Inaugural Ball attire, are mistaken and continuing to perpetuate this myth. The Inaugural Ball dress was blue. It was ‘watered silk’. She wore a white, deeply bordered point lace cape. This is documented time and again in contemporaneous accounts of the Inaugural proceedings.
With the passage of time, biographers latched onto one of the photos of Mary in the white dress and pearl jewelry and erroneously captioned the pic(s) as described until it is now generally accepted as fact. One would hope that for the sake of historical accuracy, this myth will be debunked at some point. Below is an excerpt from the March 6th, 1861 edition of the New York Times by a reporter who witnessed and wrote about the events surrounding Lincoln’s Inauguration. The article was submitted on the 5th and published the 6th. At 5 o'clock in the morning, after a hard day's work and an evening of telegraphing, I do not propose at any extended length to enter upon the details of the affair; but as the chief interest of theoccasion centered upon Mr. and Mrs. LINCOLN, and a few of their friends, I will give a short account of them and their appearance. The hall was well filled by 11 o'clock with dancers impatient for the signal to commence "the mazy," but as Mr. LINCOLN had not yet arrived, it was not considered etiquette to begin A little while longer and the youngsters impatient for the past-time, started the band and at it they went. Soon, however, it was noised about that the party had arrived. Dancing was for a moment suspended, and all eyes turned in the direction of the door. Presently the President appeared, leaning on the arms of Vice-President HAMLIN and Senator ANTHONY, of Rhode Island. His entrance was, of course, the signal for applause, and the band struck up "Hail Columbia." Behind the President came a couple, the sight of whom was singular and yet eminently gratifying; singular, because so wholly unexpected, and gratifying, because it was an indication of the beginning of an era of good feeling. The parties were Mrs. LINCOLN and Senator DOUGLAS. Mrs. LINCOLN appeared remarkably well; she wore a very tasteful and becoming head-dress, and a low-necked lavender silk, (I think,) of exquisite shade, perfect fit, and evident richness. Her lace wan point, her jewelry was the simple diamond, and her attire such as commended itself to the good taste, the sense of propriety and the love of the beautiful of every person in the room. It was a general remark that LINCOLN was an infinitely better-looking man than he was represented, and that Mrs. LINCOLN was evidently a lady of refinement, of tact and of taste. |
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