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Lincoln as secular saint
05-23-2015, 07:49 AM (This post was last modified: 05-23-2015 08:18 AM by Eva Elisabeth.)
Post: #19
RE: Lincoln as secular saint
Re: "I have had a life-long almost religious reverence of Lincoln. I read somehere that he is one who can be called great in three aspects: as president, writer, and saint."

I sure agree with you on the first two points, but would personally replace the last one by "role model".

"Saint" is a concept "created" by the Christian church(es), who recognize(s) a person having an exceptional degree of holiness, or likeness to God, and who had dedicated him/herself to God as a saint, proven by either two miracles performed through the saint's intercession after his or her death, or instead of one of the miracles, the acknowledgement that he/she gave his or her life voluntarily as a witness for the faith and/or in an act of heroic charity for others.

According to his wife, Abraham Lincoln only increasingly turned to God after Willie's death, and wasn't a "technical Christian" either as he didn't belong to any denomination. However, many religions also use similar concepts but different terminology. Theologian John A. Coleman wrote that saints across various cultures and religions have the following in common:

- exemplary model (Yes, I think he was in many ways.)
- extraordinary teacher (? Your thoughts?)
- wonder worker (? Your thoughts?)
- intercessor (? Your thoughts?)
- a life often refusing material attachments or comforts (He eagerly did increase his material estate!)
- possession of a special and revelatory relation to the holy (According to himself, at least in the context of the presidency - "I am but an accidental instrument, temporary, and to serve but for a LIMITED time.", "It has pleased Almighty God to place me in my present position and looking up to Him for wisdom and divine guidance I must work my destiny as best I can.")

Would Abraham Lincoln himself have liked to be worshipped as a saint? I personally doubt it, but I am sure he would have been delighted to be considered a good role model. And this he certainly was as for many of his accomplishments and personal/character features. To name just a few: his way from the log cabin to the presidency, his humanity, his forgiveness, his love for children and animals, his desire to offer his family the best life possible, his striving to improve and reconsider, his "remaining humbleness" in office, etc.pp. Still he was a human being and did make mistakes. And exactly this and his capability reconsider and to admit and take over responsibility for his mistakes is another feature that makes him a very good role model to me. I would never attempt to chose a saint as a role model as I know I, like most others would be doomed to fail from the onset. But Mr. Lincoln, despite I couldn't become president of your country, makes a great, but still "realistic"role model in everyday life.
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