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In 2020, Abraham Lincoln Will Be Controversial
01-07-2020, 06:30 PM (This post was last modified: 01-07-2020 06:51 PM by AussieMick.)
Post: #5
RE: In 2020, Abraham Lincoln Will Be Controversial
Its a good-in-parts article (IMO obviously). A political one that makes some good points I think. It has a bit of sucking up to Trump that I dont like ... and by criticizing dopey Left wing ideas about Lincoln's legacy he moves to attack govt bureaucracy.

as for the following , I dont like the style/grammar ... maybe its just that I dont understand it (what does credentialing mean ? I googled without much help ... I can guess and I think I know whats intended ...)

"We have moved from government of the people to government of the experts. We have replaced an aristocracy of inherited family status with an aristocracy of credentialing."

I guess he's saying there's too much of govts announcing "Experts tell us that ... blah-blah ... so we have to do this ('this' being what a govt official always wanted to do, but need the imprimatur some 'expert' they have found in a dusty university to have suggested).

I agree with much of the gist except that the author is taking the easy way out of attacking 'bureaucrats' . Ok, I guess he's attacking the local govts state-wide that attack Trump. He'd be braver if he also took on the (bulk of, anyway) media and 'celebrities'. IMO, its the look-at-me film stars, one-hit wonder teenage singers, and dead-beat actors, who jump on the band wagon to prove their politically correctness who are causing history to be re-written. But the author doesnt mention them.

His focus on the nameless bureaucrats :-

"In many states and localities, the citizen no longer has any significant influence on government. In almost every level of government, Washington bureaucrats can dictate to elected local officials. The result has been a more and more dissatisfied citizenry."

"One of the great challenges for the Trump administration and its allies is to re-center government on Lincoln’s values and dismantle the elitist “bureaucrats know best” model that now defines so much of our government."

“The honest man, tho' e'er sae poor,
Is king o' men for a' that” Robert Burns
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RE: In 2020, Abraham Lincoln Will Be Controversial - AussieMick - 01-07-2020 06:30 PM

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