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Killing Lincoln: The Real Story
12-11-2014, 10:21 AM (This post was last modified: 12-11-2014 10:26 AM by Gene C.)
Post: #35
RE: Killing Lincoln: The Real Story
Thank you for responding, you answered most of my questions.
I have read Roscoe and Otto, but it was many years ago. They were interesting, but I found their main premise to be weak and a bit far fetched. I would have to reread them to give you specific reasons.
I am aware of Charles Dunning/Sanford Conover, know very little about him. My overall impresion is he was an unethical opportunist, but I can not recall what or where I read something about him, it may have been in Weichmann's book)
I am aware of the problems of drug and alcohol addiction during and following the civil war, but I have not made a specific study of it.

Regarding Stanton and Johnson, I recommend the book, Stanton by Benjamin Thomas. He is a bit pro Stanton, but if you take that into account, it is very informative. In addition, Benjamin Thomas is a highly regarded historian. His single volume work on Abraham Lincoln is excellent.
For additonal reading, if you haven't already read it, I would suggest The Lincoln Murder Conspiracies by William Hanchett. The Book section of this site is a great resource. The Surratt House Museum gift store has an excellent seleciton of books regarding Lincoln's Assassination and other Civil War era books

Forgive me if I have seemed over critical, you are taking a different method regarding your book than I am used to seeing. Most authors I know don't publish a book, and then make running corrections to it. They do almost all their research before publication. You seem to be taking a different approach. You stated earlier...
" My goal is to find competent people to guide me and help craft my book into something that can help spread enlightenment, because an understanding of deep politics is essential to enlightenment these days. You don't have to buy anything. Almost all my evidence is posted on my blog, and I just put up a new one today called Dirty George's Confession that you might find worth tearing apart." and
" In the meantime feel free to read the text, and attack any and every detail. I will provide my source, and if I like your information better, I will adjust the book accordingly.

With you having a masters in Journalism, I'm sure you can understand mine and possibly other who have misgivings regarding this approach to your work.
We expect you to get it right the first time, and to accept the criticism or praise once your book is published.

So when is this "Old Enough To Know Better" supposed to kick in?
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Killing Lincoln: The Real Story - RJNorton - 11-13-2014, 10:18 AM
RE: Killing Lincoln: The Real Story - Hess1865 - 12-05-2014, 11:27 PM
RE: Killing Lincoln: The Real Story - Gene C - 12-11-2014 10:21 AM

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