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Are we headed to a modern day "Dred Scott" Supreme Court decision?
05-09-2019, 12:23 PM
Post: #1
Are we headed to a modern day "Dred Scott" Supreme Court decision?
NYTimes story headline on Thursday, May 9, 2019:

Facing a Trump Stonewall, Democrats Struggle for Options to Compel Cooperation

Comment to story:
Charlie B
6h ago

This is why it was so important for Trump and McConnell to install their own loyalists on the Supreme Court. That former bulwark of democracy is now positioned to be the final step in granting autocratic power to Trump.

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David Lockmiller
San Francisco1h ago
@Charlie B

It could well be argued that the Dred Scott decision by the majority of "Southern" Supreme Court Justices, and written by Chief Justice Roger B. Taney, led to the Civil War.

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Are we headed to a modern day "Dred Scott" Supreme Court decision? - David Lockmiller - 05-09-2019 12:23 PM

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