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RE: Who Said This? - David Lockmiller - 05-30-2023 01:57 PM

James Speed

RE: Who Said This? - RJNorton - 05-30-2023 02:06 PM

Good guess, David, but it was not James Speed.

RE: Who Said This? - Dennis Urban - 05-30-2023 02:12 PM

Perhaps William Herndon.

RE: Who Said This? - RJNorton - 05-30-2023 02:48 PM

That is a logical guess, Dennis, but it wasn't Herndon.

RE: Who Said This? - Gene C - 05-30-2023 04:25 PM

Dennis Hanks ?

RE: Who Said This? - RJNorton - 05-30-2023 06:48 PM

That is another logical guess, Gene, but it was not Dennis Hanks.

RE: Who Said This? - AussieMick - 05-31-2023 06:28 AM

Stephen Douglas?

RE: Who Said This? - RJNorton - 05-31-2023 06:37 AM

Good guess, Michael, but not correct.

Hint #1: The correct answer has been mentioned many times on this forum, and he is a familiar name with people who know the life of Abraham Lincoln.

RE: Who Said This? - RJNorton - 05-31-2023 12:02 PM

Hint #2: His few books on Abraham Lincoln are not on the Abraham Lincoln Book Shop's Essential Lincoln Book Shelf.

RE: Who Said This? - Anita - 05-31-2023 12:16 PM

Ward Hill Lamon

RE: Who Said This? - Juan Marrero - 05-31-2023 12:19 PM

Just a guess based on their riding the legal circuit together, so they had plenty of time to talk, David Davis.

RE: Who Said This? - RJNorton - 05-31-2023 12:32 PM

Good try, Juan, but Anita got it. Kudos, Anita! Indeed it was Ward Hill Lamon as quoted in the New York Tribune, July 26, 1885. Lamon said Lincoln told him this during the war.

RE: Who Said This? - Anita - 05-31-2023 01:52 PM

Who wrote this and why?

"This is the whole story of the singing and it's surroundings. Neither Gen. McClellan or any one else made any objection to the singing; the place was not on the battle field, the time was sixteen days after the battle, no dead body was seen during the whole time the president was absent from Washington, nor even a grave that had not been rained on since it was made."

RE: Who Said This? - RJNorton - 05-31-2023 02:02 PM

I cannot remember all the details, but I am pretty sure this is also from Lamon. Lincoln and Lamon were on a train after a battle (not sure which one) and Lamon sang a few songs which were done in frivolity. Afterwards there was a big uproar about this incident as being totally inappropriate during the Civil War.
Lamon wrote that the criticism of the singing was totally wrong.

RE: Who Said This? - Anita - 05-31-2023 03:55 PM

Yes Roger, you nailed it! It was Lamon and the battle was Antietam. A report in the New York 'World' infuriated Lamon, accusing him of singing and Lincoln joking around on the
battlefield while the dead were being buried.

The quote is from the following [1] AD, CSmH. The manuscript is in Lincoln's autograph except for Lamon's signature. Hertz (II, 944) dates the memorandum September 10, 1864, and Angle (p. 357), ``---1864.'' According to Lamon (Recollections of Lincoln, pp. 144-49), Lincoln wrote this memorandum ``about the 12th of September, 1864,'' to be published, if necessary, in refutation of a story widely disseminated by the Copperhead press. The memorandum was not, however, given to the newspapers. Lamon gives the following letter as the occasion for Lincoln's preparation of the memorandum:

``Ward H. Lamon: Philadelphia, Sept. 10, 1864.

``Dear Sir,---Enclosed is an extract from the New York `World' of Sept. 9, 1864:---

`` `ONE of MR. LINCOLN'S JOKES.---The second verse of our campaign song published on this page was probably suggested by an incident which occurred on the battle-field of Antietam a few days after the fight. While the President was driving over the field in an ambulance, accompanied by Marshal Lamon, General McClellan, and another officer, heavy details of men were engaged in the task of burying the dead. The ambulance had just reached the neighborhood of the old stone bridge, where the dead were piled highest, when Mr. Lincoln, suddenly slapping Marshal Lamon on the knee, exclaimed: ``Come, Lamon, give us that song about Picayune Butler; McClellan has never heard it,'' ``Not now, if you please,'' said General McClellan, with a shudder; ``I would prefer to hear it some other place and time.'' '

``This story has been repeated in the New York `World' almost daily for the last three months. Until now it would have been useless to demand its authority. By this article it limits the inquiry to three persons as its authority,---Marshal Lamon, another officer, and General McClellan. That it is a damaging story, if believed, cannot be disputed. That it is believed by some, or that they pretend to believe it, is evident by the accompanying verse from the doggerel, in which allusion is made to it:---

`Abe may crack his jolly jokes

O'er bloody fields of stricken battle,
While yet the ebbing life-tide smokes From men that die like butchered cattle;
He, ere yet the guns grow cold,
To pimps and pets may crack his stories,' etc.

``I wish to ask you, sir, in behalf of others as well as myself, whether any such occurrence took place; or if it did not take place, please to state who that `other officer' was, if there was any such, in the ambulance in which the President `was driving over the field [of Antietam] whilst details of men were engaged in the task of burying the dead.' You will confer a great favor by an immediate reply.

``Most respectfully your obedient servant,
``A. J. PERKINS.''

Read the memorandum here.
The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, Volume VII, p. 548-550 (ca. September 12, 1864).;submit=Go;subview=detail;type=simple;view=fulltext;q1=New+York+W​orld