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Tad and His Father - Printable Version

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Tad and His Father - Gene C - 02-14-2015 05:15 PM

Nice short book of 102 pages by F Lauriston Bullard, copyright 1915.
Focuses on the years after Willie died, and the close relationship between Tad and his father, and how important they were to each other in supplying emotional support to each other. A touching tribute to them both. I thought it was a good read. Available on line at

The real reason I purchased and read the book is the following interesting article about the author from the Journal of the Abraham Lincoln Association.;view=fulltext;q1=F+lauriston+bullard

After reading that, I wanted to own a book he had written. I was able to find a copy in good condition for only $2.

RE: Tad and His Father - Susan Higginbotham - 02-14-2015 10:28 PM

Great article!

RE: Tad and His Father - Eva Elisabeth - 02-15-2015 07:00 AM

Gene, I just want to say thanks for all your recommendations and book reviews! Very helpful as I wouldn't have known of several of those books!

RE: Tad and His Father - RJNorton - 02-15-2015 10:10 AM

Gene, I would like to second Susan and Eva. The only Bullard book I own is Abraham Lincoln and the Widow Bixby. The copyright is 1946, and I enjoyed it very much. Bullard has a way with words; one of my favorite sentences in the book is, "The beauty of the letter is not destroyed by the fact that its premises were wrong."

(Down here in Florida wearing a large overcoat into an antiquarian bookstore would be a red flag...)

RE: Tad and His Father - STS Lincolnite - 02-15-2015 10:13 AM

Gene, thanks for posting this. The article was fascinating and I look forward to reading the book. As others have posted, I really appreciate your posts on these unique and more obscure (at least nowadays) books. I certainly hope to meet you in Springfield in the fall...among other things, I want to hear some of your stories and tips on finding some of these wonderful books!!

RE: Tad and His Father - Anita - 02-15-2015 09:29 PM

Gene, thanks for sharing your "buried treasure" finds with us. So many of the earlier Lincoln books fall into obscurity.