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Tough Tarbell Trivia - Printable Version

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RE: Tough Tarbell Trivia - RJNorton - 10-26-2021 04:56 AM

No idea - wild guess - Dr. William A. Evans?

RE: Tough Tarbell Trivia - Steve - 10-26-2021 06:14 AM

Dr. Theodore Flood, from The Chautauquan?

RE: Tough Tarbell Trivia - Rob Wick - 10-26-2021 10:50 AM

Sorry gentlemen, but neither is correct.

Clue#1-The person under consideration died before knowing that Tarbell would make him famous.

Bonus clue-don't get hung up on the term doctor. Doctor doesn't always mean M.D.


RE: Tough Tarbell Trivia - RJNorton - 10-26-2021 01:29 PM

(10-26-2021 10:50 AM)Rob Wick Wrote:  Bonus clue-don't get hung up on the term doctor. Doctor doesn't always mean M.D.


Was he a professor?

RE: Tough Tarbell Trivia - Rob Wick - 10-26-2021 02:28 PM


No he was not a professor.


RE: Tough Tarbell Trivia - AussieMick - 10-26-2021 04:40 PM

Was he a religious leader?

RE: Tough Tarbell Trivia - Rob Wick - 10-26-2021 05:54 PM

(10-26-2021 04:40 PM)AussieMick Wrote:  Was he a religious leader?



RE: Tough Tarbell Trivia - Rob Wick - 10-26-2021 08:54 PM

Clue # 2 - In her notes, Tarbell wrote of this person:

“Rarely see a more interesting old face—furrowed on the forehead and from the eyes and under the lids as I never saw a face furrowed.” She described his forehead as a “perfect checker-board” adding that the flesh around his eyes reminded her of a “hill side cut by heavy rains and the gullies dried. The flesh is folded up in wrinkles under the eyes but the cheeks are red and healthy.”


RE: Tough Tarbell Trivia - AussieMick - 10-27-2021 01:33 AM

The description doesnt seem to match but how about Dr Issachar Zacharie?

RE: Tough Tarbell Trivia - Steve - 10-27-2021 01:37 AM

Was this man an historian?

RE: Tough Tarbell Trivia - Rob Wick - 10-27-2021 12:48 PM

Sorry Mike, but that's not it.

Steve, he is not a historian.

Clue#3-Tarbell first interviewed him almost 15 years before writing about him.


RE: Tough Tarbell Trivia - RJNorton - 10-27-2021 03:36 PM

Was the person a Catholic bishop?

RE: Tough Tarbell Trivia - Rob Wick - 10-27-2021 04:06 PM


He was very religious, but he was not a Catholic bishop.


RE: Tough Tarbell Trivia - Joe Di Cola - 10-28-2021 09:54 AM

(10-27-2021 04:06 PM)Rob Wick Wrote:  Roger,

He was very religious, but he was not a Catholic bishop.


John D Rockefeller?

RE: Tough Tarbell Trivia - Rob Wick - 10-28-2021 10:05 AM

Sorry Joe, but that's not it

Clue#4-Tarbell wrote about him but gave him a different name.
