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Tough Tarbell Trivia - Printable Version

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RE: Tough Tarbell Trivia - Rob Wick - 04-05-2021 08:52 AM

Next clue. The subject being considered brought Tarbell into a realm that one would not normally associate with her.


RE: Tough Tarbell Trivia - RJNorton - 04-05-2021 09:11 AM

I don't normally associate Tarbell with the fight for women's rights. Does it have to do with that topic?

RE: Tough Tarbell Trivia - Rob Wick - 04-05-2021 10:39 AM


No it doesn't.


RE: Tough Tarbell Trivia - Steve - 04-05-2021 12:00 PM

Does have to do with forensics/criminal identification?

RE: Tough Tarbell Trivia - Rob Wick - 04-05-2021 12:09 PM


No it doesn't.


RE: Tough Tarbell Trivia - Steve - 04-05-2021 12:41 PM

With business?

RE: Tough Tarbell Trivia - Rob Wick - 04-05-2021 01:44 PM

Well Steve, given that most everything Tarbell did that was non-Lincoln had to do with business, in that vein the answer would be somewhat, but not exclusively.


RE: Tough Tarbell Trivia - Steve - 04-05-2021 07:55 PM

Photography and getting a good shot?

RE: Tough Tarbell Trivia - Rob Wick - 04-05-2021 08:28 PM

Afraid not Steve.

Next clue:

The person who recruited Tarbell for this wrote to her, "Our little talk this morning made me feel that no one in the country can do it justice as you can, and I want to assure you that if you do consent I shall do everything in my power to cooperate with you, and that I trust it will be only the beginning of a very profitable mutual relationship." Needles to say, Tarbell agreed.


RE: Tough Tarbell Trivia - Steve - 04-05-2021 09:32 PM

Writing a complimentary biography of a business titan? That would make the quote above from either Owen Young or Elbert Gary.

RE: Tough Tarbell Trivia - Rob Wick - 04-05-2021 09:51 PM

Still very logical, Steve, but not correct.

It doesn't involve a person.


RE: Tough Tarbell Trivia - Steve - 04-05-2021 10:18 PM

Flying in airplane?

RE: Tough Tarbell Trivia - Rob Wick - 04-05-2021 10:58 PM

Afraid not Steve.


RE: Tough Tarbell Trivia - Steve - 04-06-2021 02:35 AM

Buying and selling real estate? (In Florida?)

RE: Tough Tarbell Trivia - RJNorton - 04-06-2021 05:25 AM

Does it have anything to do with her autobiography?