Lincoln Discussion Symposium
How to Be a Victorian - a Dawn to Dusk Guide - Printable Version

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How to Be a Victorian - a Dawn to Dusk Guide - BettyO - 11-07-2014 06:54 PM

Was in Barnes and Noble this afternoon picking up my copy of American Queen and came across this title: How to Be a Victorian - a Dawn to Dusk Guide by Ruth Goodman. I couldn't resist!

Brand new, it's a great social history covering the Victorian life from the early morning toilette (both male and female) to retiring at night - a step by step guide; what and how the ate, how they played, how they worked, slept, etc..... it looks like a wonderful read for covering all aspects of life in the 19th Century -

RE: How to Be a Victorian - a Dawn to Dusk Guide - Gene C - 11-08-2014 10:09 AM

Does it have many illustrations, or is it all text?

RE: How to Be a Victorian - a Dawn to Dusk Guide - Eva Elisabeth - 11-08-2014 07:17 PM

I thumbed through this book at an international book shop at an airport on the way to the US in spring, and the only reason I didn't buy it was that I already had such a long wish list to look for and I didn't want to add "cargo" weight in advance. Thanks Betty for reminding me of this book now - it seemed absolutely interesting!!! I can't remember (m)any illustrations.