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What is your view of Custer? - Printable Version

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What is your view of Custer? - LincolnMan - 10-08-2014 07:51 AM

I visited Monroe, Michigan recently with a fellow Civil War buff. As many of you may know- the city has deep roots with Custer. My friend made a statement over lunch that basically said Custer's actions regarding the American Indians soiled his legacy beyond any repair. What do you all say about the man?

RE: What is your view of Custer? - Wild Bill - 10-08-2014 08:28 AM

Lots of guts and short on brains. Graduated last of 34 in his West Point class in 1861.

Rode into the Chickahominy River to prove its depth when a staff officer under McClellan in 1862, while other debated its depth. Had 11 horses shot out from under him in the Civil War. He led the cavalry charge at Gettysburg that prevented Stuart hitting the Union rear at the same time Picket hit their lines at the High Water Mark. But he could not stay out of the fray in reserve as ordered at Trevillian Station which allowed the Confederates under Hampton make the last decisive charge and win the battle. He tore up the Shenandoah under Sheridan and was stopped from hanging Confederate prisoners only when Mosby replied in kind.

In Texas after the Civil War, occupation troops under his command tried to ambush and kill him for being a general jerk. Deserted his troops in Kansas when worry over the safety of his wife overcame his command responsibilities. Saved by Sheridan to lead the winter campaign against the same tribes. At the Washita, he abandoned a battalion of the 7th Cavalry under Major Joel Elliot, all of whom were killed in 1867.

And everyone knows about Little big Horn--or do they? A new book by Robert F. Burke, With Custer at the Death (Bakersfield CA: Strategy and Tactics Press, 2010) presents that battle in a new light, with the 2 battalions under his direct command keeping the Indians off guard until the very end by attempting 7 assaults on the combined Sioux-Cheynne village. Tragically, Burke did not footnote the book, but it is a revoting tale, nonetheless.

And he married the prettiest girl in hits hometown over the initial objections of her father and she wrote and spoke propaganda on his glory until the 1930s. One of Custer's disappointments in life is that his brother Tom won 2 Congressional metals of honor, while he won none.

RE: What is your view of Custer? - Houmes - 10-08-2014 09:32 AM

(10-08-2014 08:28 AM)Wild Bill Wrote:  Lots of guts and short on brains. Graduated last of 34 in his West Point class in 1861.

As usual: astute, knowledgeable, and hilarious. It doesn't get any better than that.

RE: What is your view of Custer? - Rick Smith - 10-08-2014 10:17 AM

To Southerners, especially those who resided / resdie in the Shenandoah Valley, Custer & Sheridan are two of the most vile examples of humanity.

RE: What is your view of Custer? - Rsmyth - 10-08-2014 01:24 PM

I second Rick's opinion. When it came to his Indian policy, Custer took the phrase "the only good Indian is a dead Indian" to heart. At the battle of the Washita, he murdered women and children, shooting the chief and his wife in the back as they tried to surrender waving an American flag, Then when he saw other tribes gathering, he took more women and children hostage to use as human shields and hightailed it out of there. As Wild Bill said, leaving Elliot and the rest to be surrounded and killed. Elliot had a friend in the 7th, Frederick Benteen who never forgave Custer for leaving the troop. This also led to suspicion of Benteen not coming to Custer's immediate aid at the Little Big Horn.

RE: What is your view of Custer? - Gene C - 10-08-2014 03:04 PM

(10-08-2014 08:28 AM)Wild Bill Wrote:  And he married the prettiest girl in hits hometown over the initial objections of her father and she wrote and spoke propaganda on his glory until the 1930s.

A large part of the Custer legend & legacy is due to the efforts of his wife

She wrote a few books to that effect, several still available

RE: What is your view of Custer? - L Verge - 10-08-2014 03:46 PM

I've always thought that both Custer and Fremont had excellent public relations people in their wives. Libbie was certainly a vocal asset to her foolish husband, and from what I can remember, Jessie Benton Fremont argued her husband's case on several occasions. Of course, both came from money - and that helped. Libbie was a judge's daughter and Jessie was the daughter of Sen. Thomas Hart Benton.

RE: What is your view of Custer? - Craig Hipkins - 10-08-2014 07:05 PM

I totally agree with Wild Bill's comment "Lots of guts but short on brains"!
He was a narcissistic character that deserved what he got at the Little Big Horn.


RE: What is your view of Custer? - LincolnMan - 10-08-2014 07:37 PM far eveyone seems to agree with my friend that Custer's legacy is unredeemable. In Monroe, Michigan there is a giant statue of Custer seated on a horse near the downtown area. There is also the Custer Museum- which contains many Custer items. There is also a "Custer tour" one can take there featuring many sites in the town pertaining to him.

RE: What is your view of Custer? - Craig Hipkins - 10-08-2014 07:59 PM

Bill, He may have been a fool, but he was an interesting one! I believe that is why his name and exploits remain extremely popular to this day.


RE: What is your view of Custer? - LincolnToddFan - 10-08-2014 09:27 PM

Years back I rescued a tabby kitten that I named "Custer" because I had read somewhere that General Custer was brave, but dumb as a post, and so was this little guy.

But other than the rote(shallow)reading of his Last Stand in primary school, I knew next to nothing about him. Much, much thanks to all of you for the information!

RE: What is your view of Custer? - Hess1865 - 10-09-2014 05:47 AM

Custer was a total idiot (and I'm using nice words) who got what he deserved.

But like Mr Hipkins said, an interesting person.

RE: What is your view of Custer? - LincolnMan - 10-09-2014 10:36 AM

Some of the press at that time blamed Commander-in-Chief Grant for what had happened. Even so Grant regarded "Custer's massacre as a sacrifice of troops, brought on by Custer himself, that was wholly unnecessary." U.S. Grant

RE: What is your view of Custer? - Hess1865 - 10-09-2014 07:26 PM

Reportedly Grant despised Custer for testifying against his brother Orvil in some court case, and the fact that Custer was just plain reckless.

RE: What is your view of Custer? - HerbS - 10-10-2014 03:42 PM

He was a renegade,ego-maniac,drinker,opportunist,great wife-through thick and thin.He and Patton were alike in many ways.But,Patton was more intelligent!Do the times make the man,or does the man make the time?