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Lock of Lincoln's hair up for auction - Printable Version

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Lock of Lincoln's hair up for auction - J. Beckert - 11-13-2012 09:34 PM

RE: Lock of Lincoln's hair up for auction - Gene C - 11-13-2012 11:56 PM

Shop and compare....there is usually hair available on ebay at a much cheaper price, but that's a nice locket. (how big a sample of a piece of hair do you realy need?)
This is on ebay, it is an Upper Deck trading card, from their Piece of History - Haircuts collection)

(maybe they'll throw in a stick of gum or negotiate for an Abner Doubleday rookie card Big Grin)

RE: Lock of Lincoln's hair up for auction - RJNorton - 11-14-2012 05:57 AM

I love the chapter in David Chambers Mearns' Largely Lincoln titled "The Scalping of Abraham Lincoln."

RE: Lock of Lincoln's hair up for auction - J. Beckert - 11-14-2012 09:42 AM

I had a phone conversation with Joseph Garrera one time and he put it this way - there's enough of Lincoln's hair out there to fill a mattress.

RE: Lock of Lincoln's hair up for auction - Rsmyth - 11-14-2012 09:51 AM

We have to remember that back then people asked for and collected hair of family members, the departed and the living. Letters were written to the famous asking for a lock. This auction does not say where or when it was cut so it may well have been a renewable resource.

RE: Lock of Lincoln's hair up for auction - LincolnMan - 11-14-2012 10:19 AM

So I take it you guys don't believe the claim? Smile

RE: Lock of Lincoln's hair up for auction - Rsmyth - 11-14-2012 12:09 PM

What claim? That it is Lincoln's hair? I have no reason not to believe it only saying that it may not be assassination related. It could have been cut while he was alive.

RE: Lock of Lincoln's hair up for auction - Laurie Verge - 11-14-2012 12:12 PM

The locket/hair offering seems to have good provenance and a reputable auction house behind it. Maybe everyone on this forum could donate $10 and we can bid on it for Surratt House???

RE: Lock of Lincoln's hair up for auction - Gene C - 11-14-2012 01:04 PM

You think there is any dog hair left on the Lincoln sofa they let Fido sleep on?
Is that sofa in the Springfield museum?

RE: Lock of Lincoln's hair up for auction - J. Beckert - 11-14-2012 01:17 PM

There's a sofa at Hildene that was in Lincoln's home in Springfield, Gene. I didn't notice any of Fido's hair.

RE: Lock of Lincoln's hair up for auction - RJNorton - 11-14-2012 01:19 PM

Joe, do you know if that is the sofa the Lincoln family gave to the Roll family?

RE: Lock of Lincoln's hair up for auction - J. Beckert - 11-14-2012 01:44 PM

I don't, Roger. The tour guide made a point of pointing out how "thrifty" Robert was and just said the sofa and some other furniture came from the Lincoln home in Springfield. (You're not supposed to, but I touched it!)

RE: Lock of Lincoln's hair up for auction - Rsmyth - 11-14-2012 05:16 PM

Joe, you touched the sofa that Fido slept on? Amazing!

RE: Lock of Lincoln's hair up for auction - Laurie Verge - 11-14-2012 06:10 PM

Man, Joe - you're one of those tourists that museum curators fear! I wonder if Abe ever had to sleep on that sofa when Mary kicked him out of the bedroom.

RE: Lock of Lincoln's hair up for auction - LincolnMan - 08-16-2014 04:26 PM

It looks like this batch of Lincoln's hair didn't sell?