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Finished reading Steers book "His name is still Mudd". I always thought that if Booth did not injure his leg he would not have stopped at Dr. Mudd's. On page 95 Steers says " Booth...probably planned all along stopping over at the Mudd house until midnight before beginning his journey south"
Any thoughts that by injuring Booth's leg that it did or did not alter his travel plans?
Good question, Richard! I think it's difficult to answer this question definitively. One thought came to my mind when I read your post. In his "confession," George Atzerodt stated:

"I am certain Dr. Mudd knew all about it, as Booth sent (as he told me) liquors & provisions for the trip with the President to Richmond, about two weeks before the murder to Dr. Mudd's."

Although this is a reference to the kidnap plot (I know John Fazio will disagree on my reference to a kidnap plot), it seems to me it could also be logically inferred that Booth saw Dr. Mudd's home as a logical place to stop and rest as he escaped from Washington after shooting the President. I cannot say that with any certainty, but I think it's at least a possibility.

Also, Laurie has mentioned several times on this forum that JWB sent David Herold to "scout" the Maryland countryside on April 12 and April 13. It is at least conceivable that Herold told Booth that Mudd's house was the best resting place during the escape from Washington.

I am not sure anyone can give a 100% conclusive answer for your question, Richard.
I have to agree with Roger's assessment, Richard. The very fact of Booth's leg injury, could've prompted a change of direction. Just because Mudd was involved with the plot doesn't necessarily mean that Booth would've stopped by his house. The injury probably slowed down the pace of Booth's escape.
Didn't Booth have to detour off the direct road to Richmond to get to Mudd's house?
Roger, I agree with your analysis, but I would like to comment on Atzerodt's statement. It has always seemed a bit strange to me. Why would Booth be planning to take Lincoln to Richmond two weeks before the assassination when he must have known that Richmond was in the process of falling and being evacuated?

And what happened to the liquor and provisions? Booth and Herold left Dr. Mudd's farm without being given any such things. The first person they met after leaving, Oscar/Oswald Swan, said "They asked me if I had any whiskey. I gave them some and some bread."

Booth may have told Atzerodt these things, but Booth lied about many things to many people for many purposes.
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