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Kudos to forum member, Dr. Leon Greene, on his new book entitled The Confederate Yellow Fever Conspiracy: The Germ Warfare Plot of Luke Pryor Blackburn, 1864-1865.

From Amazon:

"Defeat was looming for the South—as the Civil War continued, paths to possible victory were fast disappearing. Dr. Luke Pryor Blackburn, a Confederate physician and expert in infectious diseases, had an idea that might turn the tide: he would risk his own life and career to bring a yellow fever epidemic to the North. To carry out his mission, he would need some accomplices. Tracing the plans and movements of the conspirators, this thoroughly researched history describes in detail the yellow fever plot of 1864–1865."

Personally, I have always been fascinated by this plot.

Congratulations, Dr. Greene!
If I remember correctly weren't they going to send Mr. Lincoln and others infected shirts or blankets to infect a large poplulation?
Kudos - same here, Roger. Fortunately Blackburn wasn't expertise enough to add the mosquitoes.
(02-21-2019 06:22 PM)RJNorton Wrote: [ -> ]Kudos to forum member, Dr. Leon Greene, on his new book entitled The Confederate Yellow Fever Conspiracy: The Germ Warfare Plot of Luke Pryor Blackburn, 1864-1865.

From Amazon:

"Defeat was looming for the South—as the Civil War continued, paths to possible victory were fast disappearing. Dr. Luke Pryor Blackburn, a Confederate physician and expert in infectious diseases, had an idea that might turn the tide: he would risk his own life and career to bring a yellow fever epidemic to the North. To carry out his mission, he would need some accomplices. Tracing the plans and movements of the conspirators, this thoroughly researched history describes in detail the yellow fever plot of 1864–1865."

Personally, I have always been fascinated by this plot.

Congratulations, Dr. Greene!

Dr. Greene - I knew you were researching this and am so glad to see it in print. I have already alerted our buyer to see what discounts we can get. Should be a good seller at our upcoming conference in April.
(02-21-2019 06:29 PM)GustD45 Wrote: [ -> ]If I remember correctly weren't they going to send Mr. Lincoln and others infected shirts or blankets to infect a large poplulation?

That's right, Gust. If I remember correctly, Blackburn thought that the clothing worn by folks who died of yellow fever could spread the disease.
(02-21-2019 06:22 PM)RJNorton Wrote: [ -> ]Kudos to forum member, Dr. Leon Greene, on his new book entitled The Confederate Yellow Fever Conspiracy: The Germ Warfare Plot of Luke Pryor Blackburn, 1864-1865.

From Amazon:

"Defeat was looming for the South—as the Civil War continued, paths to possible victory were fast disappearing. Dr. Luke Pryor Blackburn, a Confederate physician and expert in infectious diseases, had an idea that might turn the tide: he would risk his own life and career to bring a yellow fever epidemic to the North. To carry out his mission, he would need some accomplices. Tracing the plans and movements of the conspirators, this thoroughly researched history describes in detail the yellow fever plot of 1864–1865."

Personally, I have always been fascinated by this plot.

Congratulations, Dr. Greene!

Thanks, Roger. This book has been a 5-year project, and it's good to see it in print finally. I can say that researching the topic has introduced me to a wonderful group of people in various museums, archives, libraries, and on-line. To a person they were kind and helpful to an amateur getting his hands dirty (literally). It has been an enjoyable journey.

(02-21-2019 06:29 PM)GustD45 Wrote: [ -> ]If I remember correctly weren't they going to send Mr. Lincoln and others infected shirts or blankets to infect a large poplulation?

Yes, they packed a fancy shirt "contaminated with yellow fever" in a valise that they planned to deliver to the White House. We know that some of the trunks loaded with clothes and bedding arrived in Washington, D.C., because records exist for the sale of these garments by a D.C. auctioneer. Fortunately, yellow fever cannot be spread in this manner.

(02-21-2019 07:39 PM)Eva Elisabeth Wrote: [ -> ]Kudos - same here, Roger. Fortunately Blackburn wasn't expertise enough to add the mosquitoes.

Blackburn wanted to spread both yellow fever and smallpox to the North. Yellow fever needed the mosquitoes for its transmission, but smallpox can indeed be spread by articles of clothing. Fortunately for the North, at the time Blackburn was seeking disease to spread, smallpox was less common, so he concentrated on yellow fever, not knowing that mosquitoes were necessary.
(02-21-2019 06:22 PM)RJNorton Wrote: [ -> ]Kudos to forum member, Dr. Leon Greene, on his new book entitled The Confederate Yellow Fever Conspiracy: The Germ Warfare Plot of Luke Pryor Blackburn, 1864-1865.

From Amazon:

"Defeat was looming for the South—as the Civil War continued, paths to possible victory were fast disappearing. Dr. Luke Pryor Blackburn, a Confederate physician and expert in infectious diseases, had an idea that might turn the tide: he would risk his own life and career to bring a yellow fever epidemic to the North. To carry out his mission, he would need some accomplices. Tracing the plans and movements of the conspirators, this thoroughly researched history describes in detail the yellow fever plot of 1864–1865."

Personally, I have always been fascinated by this plot.

Congratulations, Dr. Greene!

This was also done in the Indian Wars . But , it was smallpox infected blankets that were given to the Native Americans
(03-07-2019 06:24 PM)DannyW Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-21-2019 06:22 PM)RJNorton Wrote: [ -> ]Kudos to forum member, Dr. Leon Greene, on his new book entitled The Confederate Yellow Fever Conspiracy: The Germ Warfare Plot of Luke Pryor Blackburn, 1864-1865.

From Amazon:

"Defeat was looming for the South—as the Civil War continued, paths to possible victory were fast disappearing. Dr. Luke Pryor Blackburn, a Confederate physician and expert in infectious diseases, had an idea that might turn the tide: he would risk his own life and career to bring a yellow fever epidemic to the North. To carry out his mission, he would need some accomplices. Tracing the plans and movements of the conspirators, this thoroughly researched history describes in detail the yellow fever plot of 1864–1865."

Personally, I have always been fascinated by this plot.

Congratulations, Dr. Greene!

This was also done in the Indian Wars . But , it was smallpox infected blankets that were given to the Native Americans

On page 123 of the book I mention the smallpox-infected blankets used against Native Americans in 1763.
(03-09-2019 07:08 PM)Leon Greene Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-07-2019 06:24 PM)DannyW Wrote: [ -> ]This was also done in the Indian Wars . But , it was smallpox infected blankets that were given to the Native Americans

On page 123 of the book I mention the smallpox-infected blankets used against Native Americans in 1763.

Here's an article for those interested in the 1763 incident:
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