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The Lincoln Country in pictures by Carl and Rosalie Frazier.

This is a short book, copyright 1963, of about 95, high quality, black and white photo's ranging from Lincoln's birthplace to his house in Springfield.
Nothing new here, but I did enjoy looking at the photo of Thomas Lincoln's last home on page 20-21.
Most of the pictures I've seen, it looked in a more dilapidated condition.
A majority of the photo's in this book are from New Salem.

Join us for this years Springfield Tour, May 4-6 and see how things have changed in the past 55 years.

The world of black and white photographs is explained here
(03-26-2018 02:26 PM)Gene C Wrote: [ -> ]The Lincoln Country in pictures by Carl and Rosalie Frazier.

Gene, Page 21 is an image of the replica cabin. The original was supposedly sent to the 1893 Chicago World's Fair and vanished after that. In all of my extensive research on that fair, I have never been able to confirm (or not) its presence at the fair. The "logs" may have been warehoused instead of being assembled for the fair and, if warehoused on the fair grounds, may have been destroyed in the fires that consumed the fair buildings.

This is a short book, copyright 1963, of about 95, high quality, black and white photo's ranging from Lincoln's birthplace to his house in Springfield.
Nothing new here, but I did enjoy looking at the photo of Thomas Lincoln's last home on page 20-21.
Most of the pictures I've seen, it looked in a more dilapidated condition.
A majority of the photo's in this book are from New Salem.

Join us for this years Springfield Tour, May 4-6 and see how things have changed in the past 55 years.

The world of black and white photographs is explained here
I found the photos interesting. Most, I have seen before, but reviewing them was time well spent. Thank you for posting Gene.

I don't remember ever seeing this Lincoln photo. They refer to it as the Speed portrait, given by Lincoln to his friend's mother. Is it genuine?
Laurie, that seems to be a some what touched up drawing of a photograph.

According to "Lincoln" A Picture Story Of His Life by Stefan Lorant, page 391, photo #44,
"For Mrs. Lucy G. Speed from whose pious hand I accepted the present of an Oxford Bible twenty years ago."
Mrs. Speed was the mother of Joshua and James Speed, Lincoln's lifelong friend, at whose home he was always welcome.

In "Lincoln An Illustrated Biography" by Philip Kunhardt, page 160, he attributes the photo to Brady' Gallery and taken in April of 1861.

Wikipedia has a decent site of Lincoln photographs. Scroll down the date column to March 1, 1861 and there it is.
If you click on the image, you can get an enlarged view of the photo.
(03-26-2018 02:26 PM)Gene C Wrote: [ -> ]The world of black and white photographs is explained here

Another fan of Calvin & Hobbes? Wonderful. Smile
The Speed photo of Lincoln hung in the Speed Art Museum in Louisville, Kentucky for years. Does anyone know if they still have it?
I think that should be listed as the best photo of Lincoln. He's movie star quality, imo, especially in the days when male stars were handsome and dignified.
The web page here indicates it's part of the Shapell Manuscript Foundation's collection:
(03-29-2018 10:18 AM)RJNorton Wrote: [ -> ]The web page here indicates it's part of the Shapell Manuscript Foundation's collection:

I knew the Speed Art Museum talked about selling the photo, but I was not sure if they did. It is a shame that the museum bearing the Speed name no longer owns such a treasured family heirloom.
(03-29-2018 01:34 PM)Donna McCreary Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-29-2018 10:18 AM)RJNorton Wrote: [ -> ]The web page here indicates it's part of the Shapell Manuscript Foundation's collection:

I knew the Speed Art Museum talked about selling the photo, but I was not sure if they did. It is a shame that the museum being the Speed name no longer owns such a treasured family heirloom.

Thanks Donna. I wasn't aware of the Speed Art Museum. They have a cane supposedly made by Thomas Lincoln embedded with small gold nuggests from the 1849 gold rush.
I agree they sure lost a historic family treasure when they sold that photo.
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