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Oh Lady! The world of comedy will never be the same since Jerry Lewis died today at age 91. I'd seen his sketches with Dean Martin as a kid and would not be the funnyman I am today without him. I'll always remember Summer 2007 when I did comedy for my camp talent show. Here is a joke I got from Boy's Life and told it in my best Jerry Lewis impression:

4 men are in the hospital waiting room because their wives are giving birth. A nurse goes up to the first guy and tells him "Congratulations, you're the father of twins." "That's weird" the man replies "I work for the Minnesota Twins." A nurse goes up to the second guy. "Congratulations, you're the father of triplets" That's weird, I work for the 3M company." Nurse comes to the second guy "You're the father of quadruplets" That's odd, I work for the Four Seasons hotel." The last man is groaning and banging his head against the wall. The others ask what's wrong and the guy replies "I work for 7 Up."

All of France weeps.

PS: If your names are Dave Taylor, Scott Schroeder or Jamie Kinder, I probably told this to you during authors hour at the Surratt Society Conference.
Another part of my childhood and young adult years gone with the deaths of both Jerry Lewis and ***** Gregory just two days apart. They were great comedians who knew how to laugh at themselves and the world around them. More importantly, they knew how to bring about friendships among various peoples and to use their ability to provide laughter to foster good causes. "Hell hath no fury like a liberal scorned" ***** Gregory
Nothing else can make me guffaw quite like an old Martin & Lewis movie does. RIP.
Loved the scene from Home Alone where the family was in Paris flipping TV channels only to find Jerry Lewis movies in French on all of them.
You did Thomas but it is always a good one to hear again!!!

Wanted to share Jerry Lewis at his best on Letterman
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