Lincoln Discussion Symposium

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Surratt House has this on order. Covers plots from Washington to Hoover.

I also understand that John Fazio has a new publisher and has re-worked some sections of his Decapitating the Union book. Want to comment further, John?

Amazon just alerted me to this: Your Friend Forever, A. Lincoln: The Enduring Friendship of Abraham Lincoln and Joshua Speed Kindle Edition
by Charles B. Strozier (Author)
4.3 out of 5 stars 4 customer reviews
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26 Used from $21.61
33 New from $22.46

The copyright shows 2016. Is this a reprint or new?
(01-13-2017 06:47 PM)L Verge Wrote: [ -> ]

Surratt House has this on order. Covers plots from Washington to Hoover.

I also understand that John Fazio has a new publisher and has re-worked some sections of his Decapitating the Union book. Want to comment further, John?

Amazon just alerted me to this: Your Friend Forever, A. Lincoln: The Enduring Friendship of Abraham Lincoln and Joshua Speed Kindle Edition
by Charles B. Strozier (Author)
4.3 out of 5 stars 4 customer reviews
See all 5 formats and editions
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26 Used from $21.61
33 New from $22.46

The copyright shows 2016. Is this a reprint or new?

The Strozier book came out last year. It was a great read--I recommend it, especially for the insights about Speed's and Lincoln's roles in encouraging each other's courtships.
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