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If you could only take three Lincoln books to a desert island, which one would you choose? And of you additionally could take three three assassination, which would you go for, and WHY?

I am about to make this decision as I am going to live in one small room only for a while, far away from the rest of my "library". I have an idea as for two in each category (I wil share later), but the third (in each) I cannot decide on. Which are the ones you'd like to have available at any time? Thanks for your ideas!
Eva, I really cannot decide on this, but I will recommend (when considering what to choose) the Abraham Lincoln Book Shop's "164 Basic Books for an Abraham Lincoln Library."

And regarding the assassination there is this list from Surratt House:
Thanks, Roger - maybe I worded my question poorly.

So could you (all) just tell me which book(s) you personally would like to take with you, and why?
My 3 Lincoln Books to have on a deserted island

1. Abraham Lincoln by Benjamin Thomas
2. The Story Life of Lincoln by Wayne Whipple (a collection of short stories about Lincoln)
3. Lincoln, An Illustrated Biography by Phillip Kunhardt (a great, big, picture book)
1. Jesus Calling
2. The Day Kennedy Was Shot
3. Lincoln by David Herbert Donald
(09-03-2016 08:27 AM)RJNorton Wrote: [ -> ]Eva, I really cannot decide on this, but I will recommend (when considering what to choose) the Abraham Lincoln Book Shop's "164 Basic Books for an Abraham Lincoln Library."

And regarding the assassination there is this list from Surratt House:

Just re-read the Surratt House list for the first time in awhile, and there are some recent arrivals that need to be added.
The two volumes of Speeches and Writings in the Library of America, and the Fehrenbachers' Recollected Words.
Thanks much to everyone!
(09-03-2016 03:25 PM)ELCore Wrote: [ -> ]The two volumes of Speeches and Writings in the Library of America, and the Fehrenbachers' Recollected Words.
I'd love to have the "Recollected Words"...(but those start at ~70$)

Gene, I love the Thomas bio, my idea, like Thomas', was Donald' s...
Although I realize I could take more, I think I would only take one. For some reason I am picturing this island as very small as well as remote. In other words there is not much to look at. To make up for this, I would want a book that has fascinating photos as well as fascinating text. So I would choose Twenty Days. I have had the book since the 1960s, and I never get tired to re-reading the text and looking at all the photos. It's the book that first really spiked my interest in Lincoln. If I changed my mind and took two, the second would be the book Gene mentioned - Lincoln, An Illustrated Biography (also has fascinating photos plus text).
Eva, check the kindle prices for the Fehrenbacher on Germany Amazon!
I would totally take this !
Also, "Herndon's Informants" because until now i have only used it for research and never just read it for fun.
And last, "Rise to Greatness" because it is so well written and has hilarious anecdotes.
Please excuse me for no sooner more elaborate reply and thanking you for your ideas.

A bio is a "must" IMO, and I find both, Donald's and Thomas', excellent. The first however is just my #1, also due to the advantage of sources.

Thank you, Angela - as far as I could see, Kindle, too, charges 60€ - almost the same as the hardcover (for a mere virtual "thing"!!!) Did I possibly miss the bargain? To read however I would need to print all out like anything virtual beyond one page - just cannot read without some writing utensil in my hand to highlight/comment etc.

Twenty Days - this is one book I'd sure like to have available. The others in consideration because I so often check them for a source, hint or evidence are "JWB Day-by-Day", and "AL- His last 24 Hours", and for general information, Ed Steers' "Assassination Encyclopedia".

In the "Lincoln category", despite a bio, I thought about M. Neely's "A. L. Encyclopedia", and maybe one book on Mary?

Thank you again everyone for your kind and good advice!!!
(09-03-2016 07:32 PM)Eva Elisabeth Wrote: [ -> ]I'd love to have the "Recollected Words"...(but those start at ~70$)

There are a few used copies available for a lot less than that, as long as you don't care about the condition.


I was fortunate to get a fine used copy for $50 back in 2009.

(09-03-2016 01:00 PM)Gene C Wrote: [ -> ]My 3 Lincoln Books to have on a deserted island

1. Abraham Lincoln by Benjamin Thomas
2. The Story Life of Lincoln by Wayne Whipple (a collection of short stories about Lincoln)
3. Lincoln, An Illustrated Biography by Phillip Kunhardt (a great, big, picture book)

I have thought about getting the Benjamin Thomas book for quite a while now. I, too, like the Kunhardts' book. Do you know their follow-up volume, Looking for Lincoln?
(09-04-2016 10:37 PM)ELCore Wrote: [ -> ]Do you know their follow-up volume, Looking for Lincoln?

Lane, I have this and would definitely recommend it. It contains photos I had never seen before, and anecdotes/stories/information I had not read before. It's a wonderful volume; be careful if you have a bad back like me - it's pretty heavy to pick up!
(09-05-2016 07:18 AM)RJNorton Wrote: [ -> ]Lane, I have this and would definitely recommend it. It contains photos I had never seen before, and anecdotes/stories/information I had not read before. It's a wonderful volume; be careful if you have a bad back like me - it's pretty heavy to pick up!

Yes, I have it. Wonderful book.
(09-04-2016 06:57 PM)Eva Elisabeth Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you, Angela - as far as I could see, Kindle, too, charges 60€ - almost the same as the hardcover (for a mere virtual "thing"!!!) Did I possibly miss the bargain? To read however I would need to print all out like anything virtual beyond one page - just cannot read without some writing utensil in my hand to highlight/comment etc.

Thank you again everyone for your kind and good advice!!!

Eva, sorry - it's pretty high again. I just got it a while ago for 9,99€ and did not check.
As for the kindle and notes - you can color code any text in 4 different colors on the kindle as well as add notes. It will organize it for you by page, by color or just as an overview of everything you have marked in any way. For the old fashioned reader - you can also leave a bookmark on various pages.
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