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Written by Raymond Warren in 1930. Has 427 pages, has a few illustrations, some by the author. No index, footnotes or bibliography.

This is a nice story of Lincoln's life up to the time he becomes President. The story has a touching ending and closes as he leaves Springfield on the train for Washington.

The basic story and events in Lincoln's life are told. It is not a detailed biography, more of a story about his life with poetic license taken to make the story more enjoyable to the casual reader. Conversations with colorful dialect are added to help give the story more depth, and give the characters in the book some personality. There are no major misrepresentations made, the major facts are accurate, just slightly embellished in the telling of the story. I found it enjoyable and light reading, and can recommend it, if that is something you may be looking for.

The book is available on Internet Archive

I purchase my copy in very good condition (for an 80 year old book) for $9 on Amazon.
(03-21-2016 08:04 AM)Gene C Wrote: [ -> ]The story has a touching ending and closes as he leaves Springfield on the train for Washington.

Thanks for posting about this book, Gene. I feel the farewell address at the railroad station often does not get the credit it deserves. It is such a moving speech.
I second Roger and agree on the speech. The book sounds like a nice pastime pleasure, Gene, and I am curious as for the "conversations with colorful dialect"?!
I third Roger and Eva regarding the train depot speech. It actually is my favorite because it is so personal. If I am correct, the farewell words were not prepared remarks but simply Lincoln's impromptu thoughts at leaving. Amazing either way.
I agree, Bill. In Lincoln's Journey to Greatness author Victor Searcher writes:

"The press had been informed that Lincoln would make no announcements before departing. His last-minute remarks had come as a complete surprise for which they had been unprepared.

To comply with their request, Lincoln sat down in a coach seat that swayed and bounced as the train gathered speed. On a pad handed him by private secretary John G. Nicolay he put down the words he had just spoken. At the fourth sentence he handed back pad and pencil to Nicolay and dictated several lines. Nicolay having trouble writing, he took over again and completed what has become an American classic.

Lincoln's Farewell to Springfield is considered by many to be his finest composition, since it was a spontaneous outpouring of profound feeling."
Wow, Roger thanks for that!
Eva, here is an example of the "conversations with colorful dialect", from the chapter
regarding the Duff Armstrong murder trial -

"Gentlemen of the jury, have you reached a verdict?"
inquired the judge.
The foreman of the jury arose, "We have, your honor,"
he said.
"Read it."
''Not Guilty
There was some mild applause and considerable undertone
grumbling, for the general opinion was—and remains
to this day—that "Duff Armstrong was guilty and ought
to be hung."
After Duff had been congratulated by several friends,
a tall, grinning Negro in a loud checked suit stepped up
with outstretched hand. It was Samuel Jefferson Jones.
"White boy," he said heartily, "Ah wants t' 'gratulate you
on yo' miraculous escape ob de dreadful consequences."
"Sam! You free, too?" exclaimed Duff, as he shook
hands warmly with his ex-cellmate.
"Ah is, an' Ah isn't. Ah is out ob jail but Ah is married,"
Sam explained. "An' settin' heah at yo' trial, me
an' mah wife decided twixt ouahselves dat we is gwine t'
name ouah fust chile Abraham Lincoln."

(remember this was written in 1930.)
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