Lincoln Discussion Symposium

Full Version: Lincoln's Own Yarns and Stories
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edited by Col A. K. McClure, published around 1915. There are several editions of this book.

About 400 pages, most of the stories are less than one page. Sources to the stories are not given. Some are questionable Lincoln ever said them. An interesting book. I purchased a nice copy for $10, well worth it. You can still find a nice copy at a reasonable price.

Here's a sample -
A prominent volunteer officer who, early in the War, was on duty in
Washington and often carried reports to Secretary Stanton at the War
Department, told a characteristic story on President Lincoln. Said he :
"I was with several other young officers, also carrying reports to the
War Department, and one morning we were late. In this instance we were
in a desperate hurry to deliver the papers, in order to be able to catch the
train returning to camp.
"On the winding, dark staircase of the old War Department, which many
will remember, it was our misfortune, while taking about three stairs at a
time, to run a certain head like a catapult into the body of the President,
striking him in the region of the right lower vest pocket.
"The usual surprised and relaxed grunt of a man thus assailed came
"We quickly sent an apology in the direction of the dimly seen form,
feeling that the ungracious shock was expensive, even to the humblest clerk
in the department.
"A second glance revealed to us the President as the victim of t'he
collision. Then followed a special tender of 'ten thousand pardons/ and the
President's reply :
"One's enough; I wish the whole army would charge like that."

Also available in the internet archives
Gene, I like this book, too, and own a 1906 edition. I agree that some of the stories are questionable. Here's another short example from the book:


"One of the last stories heard from Mr. Lincoln was concerning John Tyler, for whom it was to be expected, as an old Henry Clay Whig, he would entertain no great respect." A year or two after Tyler's accession to the Presidency," said he, "contemplating an excursion in some direction, his son went to order a special train of cars. It so happened that the railroad superintendent was a very strong Whig. On 'Bob's' making known his errand, that official bluntly informed him that his road did not run any special trains for the President. " 'What!' said 'Bob,' 'did you not furnish a special train for the funeral of General Harrison?' "'Yes,' said the superintendent, stroking his whiskers; and if you will only bring your father here in that shape, you shall have the best train on the road!'"
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