Lincoln Discussion Symposium

Full Version: Demolition of the "Herndon House"
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Found this interesting old photo this morning which shows the 1890 demolition of the old "Saint Cloud" Hotel - the renamed and remodeled Herndon House structure. I've also found some interesting reminiscences of the Herndon House which I'll PDF and share later -

Fascinating photo, Betty. I never saw that one before.

I think this is the only one I'd seen previously:

[Image: herndon-house-washington-dc.jpg]
That is the Herndon House after it was remodeled by a Mr. Lyons in the early 1870s and renamed the Saint Cloud Hotel. In keeping with "Modern" architecture, Mr. Lyons added the ornate window pediments and added an extra story, making the structure four stories high. Powell's room was on the third floor facing the Patent Office corner of 9th and F Streets; Room No. 6.

I also found this image which I'd never seen before showing the Patent Office with a possible view of Saint Patrick's Catholic Church (?!) - which Mrs. Surratt attended. This image is dated 1867 - the year of Surratt's trial.

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