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Full Version: Tough Tarbell Trivia
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Clue #5

The movie previously mentioned was made 17 years after Tarbell wrote the book.

Henry Wing?
Correct Roger. The movie I mentioned was Wing and a Prayer which was made in 1944, 17 years after Tarbell about Wing. Sorry, but the prize budget for 2013 was spent last year on Mayan-related festivities.

In 1913 Tarbell was one of the first female journalists to do what?

This is a tough one Rob. Maybe she was one of the first female journalists to interview Henry Ford?
Sorry Bill, good guess but that's not it.

Cover the newly formed Federal Reserve System?
Sorry Roger, but that's not it either.

Clue #1

It happened in New York City.

Clue #2

Doing this today is something we take for granted.

Ride in a plane?
This was before Prohibition so I'll guess either drink in a bar (or smoke cigarettes in public)?
Good job, Gene. That's correct.

In 1912, Tarbell had made a statement about how she believed flying to be safe but added that she had never done so. Henry Woodhouse, who was editor of Flying magazine, offered Tarbell the opportunity to fly and then asked if she would write about it for the magazine. She agreed.

Here is an article she also wrote for the American Magazine of her experiences.

Gene, you win a free flight in the plane which carried Tarbell, although I imagine you'll have to find a new pilot.

Time to dust off some Tough Tarbell Trivia.

Generally speaking, Ida Tarbell rarely said anything truly negative about someone in her personal correspondence. However, there was one individual that, at least on one occasion, she let her true feelings be known (albeit to another person, not the individual in question).

Of whom did Tarbell say "There is a touch of intellectual snobbery about him as well as a great lack of humor, which, unless he overcomes them, is going to seriously interfere with his ambition to be President of the United States."

I'll even provide a clue. The person in question made no secret of his dislike for Tarbell.

Theodore Roosevelt
That's a really good guess, Bill, but it's not TR.

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