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Laurie sent me a link to this large list of books about the Booth family (and topic related).
(07-06-2012 04:02 PM)RJNorton Wrote: [ -> ]Laurie sent me a link to this large list of books about the Booth family (and topic related).

Excellent list. I put that in my favorites.

And speaking of Booth (well, books about Booth anyway), is there any news on the Booth DNA project?
To the best of my knowledge, nothing else has transpired regarding the exhumation of Edwin for DNA comparisons. However, I am slightly concerned because Surratt House recently sponsored a day-trip that included a visit to the new National Museum of Health and Medicine in Bethesda (the replacement for the previous great one at Walter Reed which is not as good). There was no sign of Booth's vertebrae on display.

I immediately wrote to the director of the museum asking where the specimen was and have received no response (at least six weeks have elapsed). My suspicious mind immediately wondered if it had been approved for DNA testing. I certainly hope not. And, I know that I am probably in the minority by not seeing the necessity for this continued argument over whether or not Booth escaped.
Laurie: Wow, that is wild. I agree the whole thing was unnecessary. I have multiple inquiries from John Q. Public on my Lincoln blog-so it has stirred interest with folks-but at what price?
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