Lincoln Discussion Symposium

Full Version: For Presidents' Day
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I'll be taking my own Abraham Lincoln picture books to school to read to my kindergartners over the next couple of weeks. I love sparking kids' interest! I keep getting recommendations on Amazon lately for a new children's book called "I am Abraham Lincoln," by Brad Meltzer. It looks cute and seems to have good reviews (though we all know that doesn't necessarily mean anything), but considering the source, I'm a little hesitant. Has anyone happened to see it, who could vouch for its accuracy? Anyone have any favorites they'd like to suggest?
Hi Dawn. A book I like is Abe Lincoln Loved Animals by Ellen Jackson. The book includes many of the experiences Lincoln had with animals which have been mentioned on the forum over the past year and a half.

There is a video about this book here.
I would be interested in knowing which books they enjoy the most.
I'm glad books about Lincoln can still be read in school!
Hi Dawn
A book I found last year is “Abe’s Fish”. It is a beautifully illustrated story of Abraham catching a fish and giving it to a soldier he meets on the road. It is very well done with all kinds of information at the back of the book. It is listed as suitable for ages four and up, so I am included.
It is out of print now, but on Amazon you will be directed to used book dealers who have the book available from one cent.
I will be speaking about local Civil War History at the Legacy Senior Living Center.Active thinking going on whether you are child or a senior citizen!
That is wonderful, Herb. You are remarkable, and your work is extremely admirable.
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