Lincoln Discussion Symposium

Full Version: Anyone want Beveridge's book?
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I have a four-volume subscription edition of Senator Albert J. Beveridge's biography of Lincoln (the trade is only two volumes) that I want to get rid of. I recently bought the two-volume set because the four volume ex-library edition I have is in poor condition. I'm not asking anything for the books themselves, but I would like to have the shipping costs covered.

Here's a picture
[Image: zxka.jpg]

Any takers?

(11-09-2013 05:18 PM)Rob Wick Wrote: [ -> ]I have a four-volume subscription edition of Senator Albert J. Beveridge's biography of Lincoln (the trade is only two volumes) that I want to get rid of. I recently bought the two-volume set because the four volume ex-library edition I have is in poor condition. I'm not asking anything for the books themselves, but I would like to have the shipping costs covered.

Here's a picture
[Image: zxka.jpg]

Any takers?


Hello Rob,
Could you figure out the shipping to Canyon Country, Ca? I would like the set, and if you have a Paypal account, I could take care of the costs, whenever you let me know the final amount. Please send me a PM, and let me know.

Thank you,
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