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[attachment=251]One of the first books that I ever read concerning Abraham Lincoln was The Life of Abraham Lincoln by Stefan Lorant. I can remember reading this book at our town library when I was a kid and was fascinated with the many black and white photographs and satirical cartoons that are in the book. This includes the absurd illustration of Lincoln picking up Jack Armstrong over his head as if he were as light as a feather!

Lorant was a Hungarian born journalist who had opposed Hitler and had been briefly imprisoned by the Nazis before eventually emigrating to the United States shortly before the war. He had a fascination with Lincoln which shows that Lincoln's appeal is not only American but extends to all cultures of the world.

I found a copy of Lorant's Lincoln at a used book store in Oceanside California back in the late 80s. At the time I was serving in the Marines at Camp Pendleton. I still have the same copy which is now falling apart and has yellowed with age. The strange thing about this book is that I do not remember having read the book cover to cover until just recently. It is one of those books that you can pick up and read specific chapters, or merely look at the photographs and cartoons.

I just thought that I would share this with the good people of this forum! I also have included a couple of pictures of my book. They don't make good pocket editions like this anymore!

Craig, thank you for mentioning Stefan Lorant. I have his Lincoln: A Picture Story of his Life. This is a fascinating book that includes lots of photos, text, and descriptions. I love the short "Is This Lincoln?" section (all photos are fakes but a couple are close). Like so many writers of his era he lists the Gardner February 5th photo as being taken Monday, April 10.
Craig: loved your history of the book. I dont have it- but might get it now.
I, too, have that SIGNET paperback plus each of the folio-size "Lincoln: His Life in Photographs" (1941), "Lincoln: A Picture Story of His Life" (1952) --the first Lincoln book received from my parents for Christmas 1952, and "Lincoln: A Picture Story of His Life" (1969). Lorant's books were some of the best on Lincoln photographs, eventually exceeded by Lloyd Ostendorf's "Lincoln in Photographs: An Album of Every Known Pose"--although, artistically and in terms of biography, I feel the Lorant books are better.

One of my favorites is the Stefan Lorant "Lincoln - A Picture Story Of His LIfe" - 1969. I was lucky enough to get my copy from a Chicago bookstore and found that Lorant had autographed it.
It has the first published full page picture of Lincoln in his coffin, plus every known picture of Lincoln at that time.
Still one of my prized Lincoln books!
Jerry Eagon
One of my favorites too.
I have Lorant's "Lincoln-A Picture Story of His Life"- 1979. It says "New Revised and Enlarged Edition with Over 600 Pictures". It was one of my first Lincoln books. Thanks to this thread I am rediscovering this wonderful book.
(10-15-2013 07:59 PM)Anita Wrote: [ -> ]I have Lorant's "Lincoln-A Picture Story of His Life"- 1979. It says "New Revised and Enlarged Edition with Over 600 Pictures". It was one of my first Lincoln books. Thanks to this thread I am rediscovering this wonderful book.

Same here, Anita. I love all the New Salem residents' photos on p. 28. Don't they look like a friendly bunch!
May I say I truly appreciate all your book recommendations and haven't been disappointed yet. Since I'm not an avid internet shopper (anyway except for books I totally lack females' genetic endowments for shopping) I need eihter a trustworthy recommendation (or if I like an author I would look if he published other books or look for his sources) or let me inspire by book stores. The pleasure of the latter regarding this topic is reduced here to exactly one biography.
Now I'll look for the "Picture Story of his Life". Over 600 pictures, New Salem residents' photos , every known picture of Lincoln at that time, "close" fake photos - sounds very good!
(10-16-2013 05:31 AM)RJNorton Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-15-2013 07:59 PM)Anita Wrote: [ -> ]I have Lorant's "Lincoln-A Picture Story of His Life"- 1979. It says "New Revised and Enlarged Edition with Over 600 Pictures". It was one of my first Lincoln books. Thanks to this thread I am rediscovering this wonderful book.

Same here, Anita. I love all the New Salem residents' photos on p. 28. Don't they look like a friendly bunch!

Oh yes, the ladies especially. Hannah Armstrong, Mary Ann Rutledge and Nancy Green look like no nonsense women-plum tuckered out.
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