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The "ten mothers" of Abraham Lincoln
02-14-2020, 10:36 AM
Post: #16
RE: The "ten mothers" of Abraham Lincoln
(02-14-2020 12:08 AM)Steve Whitlock Wrote:  
(07-10-2015 09:26 AM)loetar44 Wrote:  
(07-10-2015 04:57 AM)Vicky Reany Paulson Wrote:  We are very close to the monumental, with Nancy Hanks Lincoln. Family Tree DNA has eliminated all the "theory" and only Joseph Hanks direct descendants are hitting perfect matches. We now are going to do the descendants, female line of Lucy Hanks Sparrow. They all believe she was a Shipley, however, so we hope to test at least two. Then it will be complete.

In all my research, I found that Thomas and Joshua Hanks did not remain in Hampshire County, but were in Hardy County. What census records I found, it appears that Lucy may have lived with Joshua Hanks, there. Charles, Elizabeth, and Joseph Hanks Jr. were all taken to Hardy County, when Joseph Hanks Senior died. Anne Lee Hanks went to Rockingham County, right below Hardy, to stay with her Lee relatives. Hardy County records are sparse. Combing church records, at present, for a record there. I have several good ones for Joshua Hanks, from Hardy County. Will keep you posted. I think the day has come, when we can put those orphan stories to rest. Thank you, Vicky Paulson

I think you know of the research of Colleen Fitzpatrick, PhD, Zach Spigelman, MD, Ann Stone, Adrian Briggs, PhD
Please note:

They wrote:

Two possible candidates for Nancy Hanks’ mother are Sarah Harper, wife of Abraham Hanks of Virginia, and Lucy Hanks, who lived in Mercer Co. KY at the same time the President’s mother lived there and who later married Henry Sparrow. Since Nancy Hanks’ line is extinct, mtDNA samples were collected from the descendants of one other daughter of Sarah Harper Hanks and two other daughters of Lucy Hanks Sparrow. These samples were compared to the mtDNA obtained from two Lincoln assassination relics.

The mtDNA signatures of the maternally-linked Harper-Hanks and Hanks-Sparrow descendants were found to be identical, indicating a maternal link between the candidates, and making it impossible to distinguish the two Nancy Hanks’ through mtDNA. Furthermore, the mtDNA profile did not match the mtDNA obtained from either of the two relics. This can likely be attributed to the high level of contamination that the relics have experienced over the last 150 years.

The genealogy of the Hanks family is very incomplete, but not incompatible with the existence of a large maternally linked group within the historical community to which the President’s mother belonged. The rarity of the X1c mtDNA haplogroup observed for the group will help identify additional maternally-linked family members whose genealogies may help build a more comprehensive family history and indicate where the President’s mother fits into the structure.

I wonder, and I think you can adequately answer my question, do Sarah Harper and Lucy Hanks Sparrow (since the mtDNA signatures of their female descendants, daughter to daughter to daughter etc, are identical) have a common female ancestor?

Thank you so much for keeping me / us posted about your research. I’ve great respect for all your findings, and as I earlier said / ment: scientific DNA research does not lie! It’s the only key in which we can fully trust.

Am I right that the Joseph Hanks Y-DNA- line has the R-M517 SNP signature?

The mtdna results for the X1c haplogroup shown above are fine, and are supported by the results of the Nancy Hanks Lincoln mtdna study released in Oct 2015. The difference is the genealogy used that somehow incorrectly involved Abraham Hanks and Sarah Harper, who was not the wife of Abraham Hanks Sr of Prince William County, VA. That wife was Jemima (Million) Hanks, whose daughter, Nancy Hanks, m: Peter Jones in Henry Co., KY in 1804. From a document written by Nancy Royce we have:

"Abraham Hanks I was born in the latter part of 1743 or early 1744 to have been under age 21 when he was apprenticed to his brother Turner in June 1763. He was married to a daughter of Robert Million by October 1771, most likely Jemima who was born in 1750. He went with Calk to the Montgomery/Madison Counties area of Kentucky in 1775, and is of record in Pr. Wm. Co. Va. from 1771 when he is noted as the son in law of Robert Million to Spring/Summer of 1783 when he is on the 1783 tax lists of Pr. Wm. Co. He died sometime between that date and 9 May 1785 when William Million one of the witnesses to the Sept. 1783 will of George Tolson declared “he saw William King now out of the state and Abram Hanks since deceased attest the same” as witnesses to the will.

Based on the available information it appears Abraham Hanks I was deceased between September 1783 and Spring/Summer of 1784. If Jemima was pregnant then the child could have been born as late as April 1785. Records in Henry Co. Kentucky show a marriage between Peter Jones and Nancy Hanks in April 1804 with her mother Jemima Hanks granting permission and Abner Ford as surety."

Abner Ford was a nephew of Jemima. Abraham Hanks Jr was a son of Jemima, and Fielding Hanks, usually mentioned as a son of Abraham Hanks Sr, was actually a son of Abraham Hanks Jr, whose first wife appears to have been a Sarah, possibly Harper, per Fielding's death record that shows his mother as Sarah Hanks. Abraham Jr's 2nd wife was Mary "Polly" Combs, but by that time Abraham had two sons with him, according to records. Fielding Hanks also named a son Cuthbert Million Hanks. Jemima (Million) Hanks had a brother named Cuthbert Million.

Be that all as it may, and more, but the results of the Kirkpatrick study and those of the NHL Mtdna Study are in agreement on results, differing in the genealogy used. More descendants were tested in the NHL Mtdna Study to support the results. Also, as you know, Rachel (Shipley) Berry and Naomi (Shipley) Mitchell were tested to confirm that they have a different mtdna line, and are NOT a match to Lucy Hanks, who was NOT Lucy Shipley.

Abraham Hanks and Sarah Harper should not be in the lines used for the Kirkpatrick study. The Sarah Hanks line used was not Sarah Harper Hanks, rather, it was Sarah Hanks, a daughter of Lucy Hanks, and half-sister of Nancy (Hanks) Lincoln. Sarah Hanks was aka Sally Sparrow, and she was living with Henry Sparrow when he died, testifying in a court case involving the Sparrows.

Shame on me!! I mistakenly wrote Kirkpatrick, rather than the correct, Fitzpatrick Study. I didn't really want to write that post last night, so I rushed it before I changed my mind again, and didn't proofread. My apologies to Colleen Fitzpatrick!
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