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"You Know Best, Captain" Talk by Dave Taylor
07-28-2017, 06:54 AM (This post was last modified: 07-28-2017 09:08 AM by Gene C.)
Post: #10
RE: "You Know Best, Captain" Talk by Dave Taylor
Debates are sometimes interesting, but the ones I have witnessed usually don't change anyone's mind.
All they end up showing was who did a better job in stating their side of the discussion.

I always liked Lincoln's idea about settling a disagreement with James Shields. While it probably wouldn't change anyone's mind, and has nothing to do with the merits of either side, it would certainly be more entertaining.
It is still BS by both sides being thrown at each other, only in its basic form.
Cow manure at 20 paces.

So when is this "Old Enough To Know Better" supposed to kick in?
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RE: "You Know Best, Captain" Talk by Dave Taylor - Gene C - 07-28-2017 06:54 AM

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