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RE: How did you do? - RJNorton - 03-02-2016 10:35 AM

Bill N. said he got 20 right; you got 28. You did better. Scott was second best with 23 right.

RE: How did you do? - Wild Bill - 03-02-2016 11:30 AM

I guess I cannot count. Not to worry, I flunked math in 2nd, 7th, and 9th grades, and still ran my business out of my head. But then so did Henry Ford and when he was audited so he could get a contract building tanks in WW, the feds called his son Henry II in to do the job. Uh-oh

RE: How did you do? - STS Lincolnite - 03-02-2016 06:04 PM

(03-02-2016 10:35 AM)RJNorton Wrote:  Bill N. said he got 20 right; you got 28. You did better. Scott was second best with 23 right.

I am honored to currently be in second place behind only the inimitable "Wild Bill"! I guess as Bill told Eva and I at last years Surratt Conference, "Us Germans need to stick together."

RE: How did you do? - Wild Bill - 03-03-2016 07:56 AM

If you are at the annual meeting in April, reminds to tell the tale of registering my friend Harve Mankopf at LSU

RE: How did you do? - L Verge - 03-03-2016 01:40 PM

Let's see how everyone does on this quiz:

RE: How did you do? - LincolnMan - 03-03-2016 01:51 PM

I couldn't find it. Is it about the Civil War?

RE: How did you do? - Gene C - 03-03-2016 03:04 PM


(That's better than I did in obedience school)

RE: How did you do? - L Verge - 03-03-2016 03:28 PM

(03-03-2016 01:51 PM)LincolnMan Wrote:  I couldn't find it. Is it about the Civil War?

It's not about any one thing in particular. It's one of those mind games that we used to hate in elementary and middle school where you have to figure out the trick in the question.

RE: How did you do? - LincolnMan - 03-03-2016 03:45 PM

Ok. I found it and scored 100% correct. Tricky questions!

RE: How did you do? - Wild Bill - 03-03-2016 04:34 PM

I got an A+ amazingly

RE: How did you do? - DanielC - 03-05-2016 10:44 AM

(02-29-2016 11:35 AM)Wild Bill Wrote:  The one on Forrest charging both ways and I forget what other. I really did not know the Forrest one but should have gotten the second. I often violate the first rule of multiple choice exams--your first instinct is usually correct. I tried to go back and see what the second error was but it would have entailed redoing the whole exam, so I quit while I was ahead.

Actually it is a relatively easy test--just seek out the proper landmark and choose your correct battle. But I have an unfair advantage. I wrote a Civil War and Reconstruction book and I was a battle nut from age 8. I used to read a Civil War book or two a week beyond my regular assignments all the way through undergrad college. I also read the Official Records for fun and copied all the orders of battle in my own notebook. When I taught Civil War I drew the battle field maps on the chalk board filling in troop movements as I lectured.

Yeah, I know, what a bore. Between the Civil War and hustling the girls it is a wonder I passed any regular course. I took the Ciivl War class as a junior. It was supposed to be only for graduate level students. It was breeze. My folks gave me Avalon Hill's game of Gettysburg on Christmas and at one time I could tell you which regiments were in which brigade, in which division, and what corps for both Union and Confederates.

Enough brag. Sorry.

Great job Bill! I only had 23 correct. I love to study Civil War battlefields. The topography etc.. I could spend days just walking them.

RE: How did you do? - Thomas Kearney - 03-05-2016 07:22 PM

The link gave my computer a virus!

RE: How did you do? - RJNorton - 03-06-2016 06:03 AM

(03-05-2016 07:22 PM)Thomas Kearney Wrote:  The link gave my computer a virus!

Malwarebytes is a program I've used for years whenever I think my computer might be infected. I have always used the free version - works great at finding anything suspicious on a computer.